Mixing Thrash Band - Any Advice?


Listened to that a couple of times and these came to my mind:

Not loving the kick too much + it sounds a bit loud.
Also the whole track sounds like there's a bit of somesort of distortion going on, that digital hiss you know.
I think that this would sound better if it was a bit on the raw side, it's thrash metal after all. ;)

Beside those things I liked it. The vocals sit well in the mix and the guitar sound rocks. I would try and do something
with the drums though. They're kinda bringing the whole thing down.

But who should believe me, I know nothing at all. :D
Hey Earsforeyes!!

Very thanks for all advice!!, very appreciate it, really!!. I will try to do changes in the mix as you said, in the drums and some eq on guitars, I think you have reason, and before send to the band again. Thanks !, you rule

More opinion are appreciate if any of you have...
