Mixing with a sub


Aug 12, 2003
A yamaha rep told me today that this was actually a bad idea. I was planning on getting some hs50m's with a sub this week cuz I heard the hs80m's lacked a little bass anyway but now I'm actually thinking of just getting hs80m's and referencing on px100's to make sure things aren't out of control. Any opinions?
I wouldn't use PX100s - they're pretty bassy themselves, so if I were to monitor with headphones I'd go for something like the MD280s. The reason he probably told you that it was a bad idea would be that you'd have to find - and set - the ideal crossover or risk having too much or too little in one range, unless your sub and other speakers are designed specifically to be paired up.

I wouldn't even think of adding a sub until my room was TEF'ed and properly treated. You might have surprisingly thin mixes when auditioning on another system if the acoustics of your room haven't been taken care of.
I forgot his name, but the guy who does Kottonmouth Kings and all that type of shit mixes with a little home theater sub in between NS-10's.
My main monitor system is a discontinued Event Tria system. Two satellites and a sub, and I have no issues mixing on mine. It seems to translate very well for me, but they really are smaller speakers, like 5.25 on the satellites so I don't crank them up at all, even during tracking. That might help somewhat, but it's hard to tell since I've never used another pair of monitors before. :)
man I hate my screen name here... so cheesy. Anyway- the vibe I'm getting is that while it's valuable to reference mixes on a sub the actual mixing is better off done without unless you've got it perfectly balanced to avoid a thin translation. I can get HS80's at 200 bucks a piece, and hs50's for 100 each. I'll look into the mackies but I think they have a much lower profit margin.

btw Jeff we need to talk. One of my coworkers offered to sell me his motu traveller for 500 bucks. I was gonna go with a firestudio cuz the rme fireface is frankly a bit too much for me to swing but yeah, I gotta figure all this out. Gonna try to pick this stuff up soonish on 12 month financing :)