
Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
Danish modern metallers MNEMIC have issued the following update:"Hey, folks, without further ado, it's time to shed some light on MNEMIC's present and future."Bad news first, we're sad to announce that guitarist Victor Ray Salomonsen has decided to leave the band to pursue other musical paths and also focusing on being a dad. We want to thank him for two awesome years together that made 'Mnemesis' as well as three European tours, one Australian tour and many other great shows around the globe."There is no way we are going to let Victor out without throwing a big-ass 'goodbye' party, that's why we invite you to join us at BETA in Copenhagen on November 28, 2013 where we'll have our last show with him, so let's have one hell of a great time together!"Many of you have probably been wondering, and some have been asking us in regards to why there has not been any activity from our side. "The reason we've cancelled the latest shows, including our Euroblast appearance, was due to lineup instability as Victor left the band this summer, and bad vibes surrounding the band; and this turmoil was also undermining the writing process of MNEMIC's next album. And with the next album, great responsibility, clutter and confusion are not compatible with it. Therefore we decided to take a breather, clear out our minds and start fresh when the stars will align. "In this era of fast-food approach applied over music, we'll go zen over it and focus on music alone. It is what matters the most and what will be remembered overtime, not the noise surrounding it. That's why we'll keep as a four-piece for the time being. In the meantime, our side projects, Mircea's [Gabriel Eftemie, guitar] BLOOD EAGLE, Guillaume's [Bideau, vocals] ONE WAY MIRROR, Simone's [Bertozzi, bass] THE MODERN AGE SLAVERY and EMPYRIOS will keep us busy and help getting back on track with an album to be remembered!"See you in Copenhagen on November 28th for this special occasion and thanks for the support!"MNEMIC's fifth album, "Mnemesis", was released in June 2012 via Nuclear Blast Records. The CD landed at position No. 38 on the Top New Artist Albums (Heatseekers) chart, which lists the best-selling albums by new and developing artists, defined as those who have never appeared in the Top 100 of The Billboard 200. "Mnemesis" was recorded at Antfarm studios in Aabyhøj, Denmark with longtime producer Tue Madsen (THE HAUNTED, HIMSA, SICK OF IT ALL). The cover artwork was created by Metastazis (MORBID ANGEL, THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER, PARADISE LOST, ULVER).
