Modern Metalcore Mix

I like it really, good work \m/, wide spectrum, kind of sneapish sound ... For me overheads are too dark, it's a drum sampler but try more brightness on overheads ...
Thanks man. I'll try that out. Anything else stick out?

The only things I noticed after some sleep are the leads on the verse are too high where the leads in the beginning and chorus are too low.
i think that its perfect man! i really like it! what's your bass chain? mid or real bass? if real what settings? thank you

The bass is the Zombass 2 DI. I quickly mapped it out so it doesn't even play some parts but our bassist and vocalist are coming over Tuesday to finish tracking.

The bass is send three ways:
Bass Lowend: Only the low end comes through here
Bass Grit: Mild grittiness from a overdrive pedal and only the mids come through
Bass Distortion: Completely distorted tone from the Camelcrusher plugin and again only the mids come through

Then those all get sent out to another bus where I EQ, compress, and limit everything.
I throw an Ampeg 8x10 impulse on there and EQ. There's some compression on there too. It's pretty much the bass processing tutorial Ermz posted with just a few more things I do.
Can anyone else critique this? There's still something weird about it that I don't like but I can't pick it out.

Be as harsh as you like, I'm just curious. Maybe it's the kick or the bass. Something just isn't really sitting right.
Sounds pretty good man. The guitars could be a bit louder and the kick could be a little lower in the mix. I would also bring up the snare a little bit.

Frequency-wise youre right on track, The highs could be toned down a tiny bit though.
Really? From where I am, the guitars almost sound too loud. The rest I agree with though.