Modern thrash mix...


May 28, 2006
Bay Area, CA
So this mix came just short of being a disaster for me.

It was my first time micing a tube amp (carvin V3 and crate cab :goggly:) and that didn't turn out so well. So I resorted to a GT8 for the hard L/R guitars and they also turned out pretty bad.

In the end I used impulses on all four tracks, and it cleaned them up superbly.

Bass is DI with some wagner distortion and bass amp impulses.

Vox are SM57.

Drums are mostly samples except the snare which is 50/50. Overheads didn't turn out quite as well as I had hoped.

Any comments are welcomed.
I'm digging this man! Really liking the snare, but it could come down a bit in volume.

Kick is super powerful - I'd prefer a bit more click and less 'thump,' personally, but to each his own!
I'm digging this man! Really liking the snare, but it could come down a bit in volume.

Kick is super powerful - I'd prefer a bit more click and less 'thump,' personally, but to each his own!

Appreciate it a lot dude! Agree with you about the "klick" :).
I really like this shit! It sounds rather old-schoolish/not so polished producing wise but still clear, full and thick. really great! guitar sound is not my favorite, but ...
band is great two. what's their name?