Mogami kicks ass?


I Prefer EL-34s. So What?
Feb 21, 2006
I just put together some new monitor cables today. Neutrik gold platted TRS and XLR connectors, and Mogami cable......


I don't know how some people can say that different cable brands don't change the sound.... Bullshit, what's coming through my speakers is now clearer and much more defined.

Worth the few extra bucks:kickass:
Canare isn't bad on its own, that's quite the claim. I'm trying it out myself when I'm not so broke, but for right now I'm using cheaper stuff.

Canare isn't bad on its own, that's quite the claim. I'm trying it out myself when I'm not so broke, but for right now I'm using cheaper stuff.


From what I understand, Canare has a better balanced cable that is top notch... But the L-2T2S is more like the 'LTD' of the brand.... I can't remember how much I paid for it, but it was cheap.

I'm about to buy some bulk cable to redo all my guitar rig wiring. I was going to use George L, but I may go with the Mogami instead now...