Monday the 16th the new Friday the 13th

Ryan VH

Go Forth And Die!
Jul 8, 2006
Los Angeles, California
Today just border line sucked compared to Friday the 13th when I had the best day ever. Here is what happened...

i had huge plans to hang out with my friends after school (long story). then my mom calls saying it cant happen and i need to go on the bus home so i got fucking pissed off as well as my friends hate me for the time being because i "bailed" on them.

just to add to my anger (or at least take some out) someone punched me in my bad shoulder, that has been hurting all day, as hard as they could and that led to me having my first fight. the fucker pissed me off so bad that i left big ass marks on his arms, chest and one on his face.

now i found out i have to babysit my brother and sister while my mom goes out for a birthday dinner, but her birthday is fucking tomorrow.

ugh well how was everyone elses day?
aw, i'm sorry. well today, some girl almost broke my new digital camera because she wanted to take pictures of herself
Conquer All said:
the fucker pissed me off so bad that i left big ass marks on his arms, chest and one on his face.

I read that as, "I left big, ass marks on his arms, chest and one on his face."