Mono - Worth The Investment?

Ars Magna

Ars Magna Recordings
Feb 25, 2007
United States
I've never really paid this band much attention. I had heard they were Godspeed/Explosions/Mogwai clones and figured that I didn't need to pursue them any further. I finally listened to a couple of tracks last night and thought they were quite good. I've decided that I need to pick up some of their material. Any suggestions where I should start (both in terms of which album and where I might be able to find them fairly cheap)?
I'd recommend starting with their most recent one You Are There (saw them perform the majority of it live and it was incredible) and work backwards from there. As for pricing, you can't go wrong in buying directly from their label at ...$12, no shipping.

Thanks. They are playing here in about 2 weeks and I plan to attend. I actually heard the tracks at Temporary Residence last night...didn't think to look at how much the cds cost there. I went straight to eBay, Aquarius, etc. What a tool. :loco:
first to Unknown : Eluvium:kickass:

Mono I guess is like an Explosions copy , but they still have their own style somewhat. Not good if you are looking for something completely original, but I personally recommend their split with World End's Girlfriend (who are touring with them, also with Grails)
Definitely. I'm not sure if you've heard anything off the latest album, Copia, but it's nothing short of breathtaking.