Monster Magnet

War Machine 212

New Metal Member
Jun 30, 2005
Rockingham, Western Australia
I know, they're not 80's. However, I'm an ageing headbanger caught in an 80's heavy metal timewarp and don't have much of an idea about what's around these days. MM is about the most "modern" stuff I have heard. Anyway, I like their tunes and was wondering if anyone else out there in UMOS land can steer me in the right direction for some stuff that might be in a similar vein. And please, no smart arse replies telling me to go and buy Linkin Park, cause they rock hard, dude!! I may be old, but not stupid.... Thanks in advance, and eagerly awaiting replies from others trapped in the same spacetime continuum as I........
War Machine 212 said:
I know, they're not 80's. However, I'm an ageing headbanger caught in an 80's heavy metal timewarp and don't have much of an idea about what's around these days. MM is about the most "modern" stuff I have heard. Anyway, I like their tunes and was wondering if anyone else out there in UMOS land can steer me in the right direction for some stuff that might be in a similar vein. And please, no smart arse replies telling me to go and buy Linkin Park, cause they rock hard, dude!! I may be old, but not stupid.... Thanks in advance, and eagerly awaiting replies from others trapped in the same spacetime continuum as I........

Monster Magnet rocks... Monolitihic is killer, not a bad track on it. I can't think of anyone that has that same groovy metal thing happenin.... have you ever listened to Picture? Find a copy of "Eternal Dark" .. you might dig it, similar, not the same
Haven't heard their new cd... hopefully it's better than "God Says No", which was pretty disappointing. I like the Powertrip album, despite the fact that they were going for a more commercial sound on it. Their earlier stuff gets a bit too "spaced" out for my tastes.
I have 'Powertrip' and it isn't bad. Haven't listened to it in a long time.

Fireball Ministry is a newer band you may want to check out. They have a sabbathy type thing going on. Good hard rock, I dig them quite a bit.

Loudmouth has one album out that came out in 1999. More straight up hard rock. Most people that like eighties music, seem to like this disc. You can find it cheap on the net.

That's all I can think of right now.
Hello, Warmachine, my good man.

I am trapped in a timewarp, as well. I do like Powertrip but there aren't many bands at all that really get me going that weren't around in the 70's to 80's. I'm pretty narrow like least in the metal world.

Here are a few bands that UMOS members helped me to discover that are in the old school vein that I think you and I share!

Tad Morose
Iced Earth

My opinion those are the top 4 "newer" bands that have an old school feel to my ears.

OTHERWISE, I'm all about
Ted Nugent
Johnny Cash
Social Distortion
Lyle Lovett
Thanks to all respondees. Only my second day as a member of this forum (or any other forum, at that) and it's heartening to receive some positive replies. To sixxswine, check out "Monolithic Baby" as recommended by my new good friend ZoMb!M@N, who posted the first reply. As he says, it's killer.
War Machine 212 said:
Thanks to all respondees. Only my second day as a member of this forum (or any other forum, at that) and it's heartening to receive some positive replies. To sixxswine, check out "Monolithic Baby" as recommended by my new good friend ZoMb!M@N, who posted the first reply. As he says, it's killer.
Man, thanks for the recommendation. I will look it up.
Let this fellow show you how to behave, when you are new.
Very classy.
SIXX \m/
Here's a story I just can't resist telling. (sorry) I met Monster Magnet at a small club in Kentucky a few years back right when they were touring in support of Powertrip! "Space Lord" was all over the radio. This was like a 500 capacity club! So me and a buddy went to check 'em out and we had a HELL of a night. Opening for them was, belive it or not, KID ROCK. Again, this is right before both bands "broke". We saw Kid Rock's show and I thought he was great cause he played "Country Boy Can Survive" all metalled up. So I bought his cd and then Monster Magnet came on and they were equally as impressive, so I bought their cd as well. So as we're walking back to the car we see the buses out back and figure, what the hell. Kid Rock is standing outside and we get our cd's signed and he actually talks to us for about 10 minutes on Kentucky bourbon and the state of country music. (he genuinely likes country) Then some female fans came around and he quickly said goodbye to us fellas...but then Monster Magnet comes outta their bus and talks with everybody. They signed our discs and Dave Wyndorf was extremely friendly. ( I think he was also extremely HIGH) And again the ladies swarmed 'em and off they went. But the next thing ya know both groups were all over MTV and we felt like we were cool for hanging with them....of course, Kid Rock's 15 minutes are about up by now...but still! A fun night.
To sixxswine, check out "Monolithic Baby" as recommended by my new good friend ZoMb!M@N, who posted the first reply. As he says, it's killer.

When it comes to music, i speak nothing but the truth.....

When it comes to women, I tell them whatever is necessary :Smokedev: