Monsters of Metal series DVD


Feb 6, 2005
well I recently bought all 3 Monsters of Metal DVD sets. They are not too expensive, and all have a shitload of music on them. I'm only about halfway through all of them at this point. The music is quite varied, going through nearly all forms of metal (skipping out on the nu-metal of course) The track selection is quite good, most of them pretty upbeat, heavy songs. The only problem is that metal bands have a knack for creating extremely cheesy videos. A prime example of this is Helloween-Just a Little Sign, the third track on the first disc of the first volume. However, just the music is enough entertainment, and if you hunt around, you can find them all pretty cheap. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that it is Nuclear Blast produced, so the majority of the videos are by Nuclear Blast artists, but not all of them.