Montreal's Serious Snow Storm!!!


Welcome To Kanata Eh!
Well, just thought id share with everyone that pretty much everyone in Quebec and probably the rest of canada and some of the US are currently snowed in, or for most of the people I work with, walked hours just to get home because there cars are stuck everywhere, or my boss who is currently sleeping at a strangers house, and roads that are closed and fireman are driving snowmobiles to get in to save some people.

So to those of you who don't know what real snow is, you're lucky. And for those of you currently getting some of it, or know how bad it is, perhaps put out a prayer to those people and perhaps the elderly who might be trapped on this night! Luckally no one has lost power.

If you're not into religion, don't pray but just take it into account, and for those of you who are currently being hit by it, damn to I feel you lol. I had to push at least 10 cars tonight :( now I'm tired.
I'd take your snow storm any day over the crappy heatwave us poor suckers in Adelaide are going through. By the time its done, it'll be well and truly a record heatwave for March here... at least 12 days worth of temperatures over 35C (and for you metrically-challenged, that would be too bloody hot!!)
Trust me, you do NOT want to deal with severe snowstorms. I know, this coming from a newbie (Though Harris and Proulxski know who i am). :p
When we get severe heatwaves in australia there's always a few old people who die as a result :(.

I'm in germany atm and its only snowed once just a little bit. It was awesome, but it melted really fast.


Yeah, snow can be awesome, but it DOES get annoying if it gets to be too much (Snow shoveling, driving, whatnot)
we're going for a record year of snow this winter, and as far as last night goes, the final count was 50cm's of snow, and winds up to 100km/h, with hail and the such. For those who don't know what hail is, its frozen rain, and last night it was huge and moving fast lol.
Pretty much eternal. I'm willing to bet $20 that we get a day off tomorrow.

EDIT: 50 CM? Wow. Even worse than the ice storm 10 years ago >.<
we're going for a record year of snow this winter, and as far as last night goes, the final count was 50cm's of snow, and winds up to 100km/h, with hail and the such. For those who don't know what hail is, its frozen rain, and last night it was huge and moving fast lol.

Hail is nasty stuff. When I lived in Indiana the first time, we had medium sized apple like hail, accompanied by a tornado a few miles away. Definitely a scary situation to be in. You folks in Kanata seem to get some nasty weather!
So to those of you who don't know what real snow is, you're lucky. And for those of you currently getting some of it, or know how bad it is, perhaps put out a prayer to those people and perhaps the elderly who might be trapped on this night! Luckally no one has lost power.

Good luck man! I haven't seen snow for maybe ten years. :lol:
I'd take your snow storm any day over the crappy heatwave us poor suckers in Adelaide are going through. By the time its done, it'll be well and truly a record heatwave for March here... at least 12 days worth of temperatures over 35C (and for you metrically-challenged, that would be too bloody hot!!)

35 degress / thats not hot................... :lol:

actually we like to think those that only understand 0 -10 to be challenged :heh:
decimals are so much easier than fractions no doubt about that
We got who knows how many more inches of rain down here in NY, I'd a rather had the snow. Wicked high winds last night. Snow is great, covers up the ugly bare ground, keeps the frost from going deep, is fun to drive in, is fun to play in. I'll take the cold anyday over the heat. We havent has a hard winter in years, very mild temps, its been like living a few hundred miles south of here. Probably why you have gotten so much snow in Quebec, higher temps. Another 10 -15 years you'll be getting all rain or ice like we've been having, NY will be the equalivent of the Carolinas and people will have to abandon the equator areas.... and move to Canada........
Here in Ontario, we had quite a lot of snow. My friends and I actually got stuck in our car and had to get some others friends to help us push it out... we got stuck 8 minutes before the movie we were going to see (10,000 B.C. - which sucked, btw) started.
I hate snow and it is getting quite annoying right now. Shoveling the driveway everyday also sucks.

Oh, and a few days ago, I was driving to the train station and my car completely lost control. I started to swerve back and forth (into the oncoming traffic lanes) until I hit the curb lightly, and straightened out. Could've been ugly, but I managed to look cool instead, lol.
Today was day 8 of our horrendous heatwave. If it hits 35 tomorrow, day 9, it will break all heatwave records here... so yes, I'd much rather have all that lovely snow...

P.S. and its been 46 days since we've had any rain, no wonder my violets look very sad.
Apparently it usually snows a fair bit in europe but there's been fuck all this winter according to what i've been told. I guess its all on vacation in Canada.

Yeah, I live in Finland and this winter has been totally strange. We've hardly had any real winter days, not much snow either... It's raining atm.