Moonlight Agony - Silent Waters


makes you eat dead things
Aug 21, 2007
grendel's mothers cave
Moonlight Agony – Silent Waters
Dockyard 1 - CD-DY100462 - 2007
By Axemaiden


This album is an excellent example to all bands out there on how to use your influences properly to create something that not only reflects your roots, but also at the same time allows you enough freedom to create something that has unique bursts of originality and strays away from the mind-numbing staleness that can often plague music. Moonlight Agony use influences from progressive metal bands such as Dream Theater and Symphony X which are apparent on tracks for example ‘Leaving Solitude’ and ‘Soulless’, with the strange off beat vocal harmonies, John Petrucci-esque solos and guitar runs, evocative orchestral and melodic synthesiser effects and poundingly heavy double bass licks. These influences are then blended with not only power metal type choruses and guitar rhythms (for example, as can be found on ‘Through the Desert Storm’) but also chunkier, heavier riffs which takes the album away from being just purely musically technical into something which has a great deal of life to it. Despite these influences, the album still retains its own unique-ness and most of the songs on the CD are strong and very different from one another. This offering should be considered an impressive release by a band which will hopefully stay around for a long while.

Official Moonlight Agony Website
Official Dockyard 1 Website