Sturmpercht - Stürm ins Leben wild hinein!
This very sympathetic trio from Austria plays some weird but quite excellent brand of neo-folk with undefined musical direction, pouring a bit of theatricals here (with spoken parts reminding of their countrymates Angizia and goofy percussion), a bit of martial arm-raising stiffness, a couple dust-coated symphonic collages, some Orplid-like strumming + flat vocals, sunlight-battered ambient of longing nature, and even sort of trad yodel vocals in between. Frankly I'd be surprised if the archaic, faintly Dernière Volonté-like marche "Des Blutes schwere Schuld" does not result in a basketful of soaked pyjamas in Moose's laundry room. Andrew/Maren if you read this listen to s'Hendl and prepare to laugh your chicken pie out

Stürm Ins Leben Wild Hinein! (3:39)
Der Schlafende Wald (3:44)
Des Blutes Schwere Schuld (3:23)
Nachtlied (3:59)
Das Verlorene Königreich (7:31)
Traumkampf (1:32)
Der Lindwurm Vom Tappenkar (4:03)
Der Harung (3:51)
Ewigkeit (5:00)
Frisch Auf Zur Schlacht! (5:36)
Chor Der Toten (2:01)
s'Hendl (1:32)