Morbid Anal Fog, WTF?


Thor's Hammer
Jul 18, 2006
Who Cares? NC

This is possibly one of the funniest things I have ever seen, but it does bring me
to question the future of black metal...:erk:

But then again I probadly dont have to worry about this band getting too famous

Tell me how you feel about Morbid Anal Fog
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C;mon, there is a little dog, a young girl, and they are in a children's palyground- how serious is that? not Tr00 at all. As per ususal only member of a black metal band that can play is the drummer
C;mon, there is a little dog, a young girl, and they are in a children's palyground- how serious is that? not Tr00 at all. As per ususal only member of a black metal band that can play is the drummer

Im not saying that they are trOO, Im saying that they a real serious band. BTW, you should Dimmu Borigir, Thyrane,Emperor, and Dragonlord about how the only member that can play is the drummer. I am sure that they would agree:rolleyes:
Im not saying that they are trOO, Im saying that they a real serious band. BTW, you should Dimmu Borigir, Thyrane,Emperor, and Dragonlord about how the only member that can play is the drummer. I am sure that they would agree:rolleyes:

Its hardly difficult guitar parts, but there are exceptions
Its hardly difficult guitar parts, but there are exceptions

And keyboards. I just wanted to make sure that you werent one of those people that think that all black metal sounds the same. Even though I listen to a lot of prog I still find black metal amazing. Its not that the music is amazing, but the meaning behind the songs
Its called fucking "Nocturnal Bacon Throne" if you think they are actually serious about what they are doing then you are a fucking idiot.
Its called fucking "Nocturnal Bacon Throne" if you think they are actually serious about what they are doing then you are a fucking idiot.

The band is called Morbid Anal Fog. I know that they are not a serious black metal band, but I know that they are serious about getting the attention they want. Im not saying that they are ligament, Im just saying that they are recording artists.
This is possibly one of the funniest things I have ever seen, but it does bring me
to question the future of black metal...:erk:

But then again I probadly dont have to worry about this band getting too famous

Tell me how you feel about Morbid Anal Fog

Fuck off.
If you think this accurately represents black metal, then you have no clue what the genre is, or about.

If you think Black metal is going to be overrun by a bunch of losers in makeup who tremelo pick, while screaming shit about Satan, then please be kind to change your Signature to a more suiting band. How about Slayer?

If the band does get famous, it will be because people will recognize the obvious sense of humour involved.

How do I fell about them?

They are no Coppice Nocturne, thats for sure.

P.S. The 7th Circle of Hell, how evil of you Goldilocks.
Hahah this is good stuff :lol:

But it doesn't beat Immortal's "Call Of The Wintermoon" :lol:

Don't get me wrong, i love Immortal:)
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The point was to say "wtf" to these people calling themselves black metal. I know what black metal is and I do not believe that it is a bunch of wannabe,skinny,satanist, teenage fuck ups who think that their little Immortal and Darkthrone rip off bands are cool. Bands like that are never going anywhere, the only bands that go somewhere are innovative and true to their music, not a bunch of retards ridiculing the history and culture of an amazing music genre to get the attention of some little teenage kid who uses internet phrases such as "blakk metal ist kreig, KvLT UbER Pwnage, and GrimMm and frOstbitten" constantly to describe a music genre they got into to piss their conservative Christian parents off. This isnt a message of hate or hostility however, I only wish to justify myself and nothing more.
Fuck off.
If you think this accurately represents black metal, then you have no clue what the genre is, or about.

If you think Black metal is going to be overrun by a bunch of losers in makeup who tremelo pick, while screaming shit about Satan, then please be kind to change your Signature to a more suiting band. How about Slayer?

If the band does get famous, it will be because people will recognize the obvious sense of humour involved.

How do I fell about them?

They are no Coppice Nocturne, thats for sure.

P.S. The 7th Circle of Hell, how evil of you Goldilocks.

I love Borknagar thank you very much. I own most of their albums. I was recognizing the humour involved and that only, Im just worried that people will interpret this really funny stuff as true black metal. Nice insult with the 7th circle of hell thing, it has always been an inside joke with me to put that as my hometown, because I live around a bunch of dumbass hicks who gets their head stuck in a bucket ever so often, and this place( full of rednecks) truly is my living hell.