Morbid Angel - Formulas Fatal to the Flesh


New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
Admittedly, i owned this album for a long time before it 'hit me'. It's a fair bit different to their earlier stuff, much more extreme, and alot more progressive than anything pre-domination. The interesting thing about morbid angel's catalogue is that no-one seems to be able to come to agreeance on which album is their best, most classic, or most extreme... for every metalhead, morbid angel caters at least a little to their tastes. From the old schoolishness of "Invocation of the continual one" (Fucking awesome song! Epic), to the sheer cool groove in the middle of "Heaving Earth" (The "Your military commands structure of impotence" bit) that would get any metal lover bobbing their head up and down, there is something amoungst all that chaos for everyone.

Nothing is not is sheer Morbid Angel sludge, and was an immediate hit, even when i previously didn't get into the rest of the album... i guess you could call it "Where the slime live pt II", with a wicked half time groove and the growls from hell to boot, this song seriously kicks some ass. One thing that really draws me in about this album is the band's ability to throw in a cool jazzy passage (Like in the middle of Invocation) for good measure, and still come out heavier and more extreme than anything else around. The progressive touches to this album are a welcome addition to morbid angel's sound, and this album is where morbid angel come together as musicians, and show their sheer virtuosity. Anyone who hasn't heard trey play the guitar is surely deaf, dumb, or maybe even dead, for this guy is sheer madness, i can't even hope to comprehend what the hell this guy does during his solos, and surprisingly enough, they work well!

At first i thought of this album as extreme Death Metal, but the more and more i listen to it, the more i realise how un-just that is to say that, for this is in a class of it's own, this is "Morbid Metal". 100% Heavy Metal, and damn good metal at that. 9/10 for this album, the only bad thing is the rediculous programmed midi crap that makes up the last few tracks on the cd... i dunno what the hell they were thinking, but MAN would i love to get a hold of whatever they were drinking while they wrote it.

Great review. Formulas is my least favorite Morbid album. However, I'm not saying it's bad. You point out some interesting qualities of the album. You're right on the money as far as Trey's solos. He is AWESOME.
Cool stuff man... i honestly hated it aside from nothing is not for a LONG time, and it just "Smacked me in the mouth with a wet fish" one day, and i loved it...

np - God of emptiness