Morbid Angel / Superjoint Ritual ..last night


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
Went to this show last night as I really wanted to see Morbid Angel again. Last time I saw them was at the Limelight in Manhattan back on the Covenant tour (or was it Blessed ?!?!) and I remember that they deliver the goods live.

For a Monday night, Lamours in Brooklyn was pretty packed and Morbid Angel fuckin slayed. Since I was at the side of the stage all the way upfront had a chance to see the beast that is sir Pete "Commando" Sandoval ... I am not a drummer but can appreciate talent and this guy is a fucking machine. Pure precision ...
Some tracks they played ... Enshrined by Grace, Beneath the Hollow and Curse the Flesh from the new one ... Rapture, God of Emptiness and I cannot for the life of me remember the rest of the tracks . Short set though .. maybe 40-45 minutes.

Superjoint Ritual ... not sure what to say about this band. Anselmo is the biggest douchebag burnout I have ever seen front a band. As some of you may know SR songs are 2 minute ditties ... so there is no excuse to play a song and then talk shit for 5 minutes between them ... literally between every song. Not only talk but have nothing to say either, just fuck and fucking shit about everything that pissed him off, especially his displeasure of todays metal scene and his claim of SR being the saviour to metal .. hmmm

But to give credit where it is due, the band once they get going is not bad. Especially this Hank Williams III bass player dude. IF there was ever a reincarnation of Cliff Burton ... this is the guy. Fucking intense dude, pure energy an he has a bass sound that is brutal as fuck.

The crowd (at least up by the stage) was into them, but from where I was standing chants of "Shut the fuck up burnout" directed at Anselmo was the norm.

Anyway ... just wanted to post this ... Check out MA on this tour if you can ... they still deliver the goods, considering they are becoming old farts :)

Oh yeah ... they had a second guitar player with them, did not catch his name, but he kept up with Trey!
That pretty much sums up SJR when I saw them live. Fucking hell Phil, SHUT UP!!! With Pantera he used to talk, but it wasn't all incoherent nonsense, he actually had something to say in those days.

I haven't seen Morbid Angel since '96, I'll definitely be going to a show out here, and leaving for SJR of course. :)

I don't know what other guitarist they're touring with, usually it would be Erik Rutan, but I think he's doing Hate Eternal full time now...
lurch70 said:
Oh yeah ... they had a second guitar player with them, did not catch his name, but he kept up with Trey!
NAD said:
I don't know what other guitarist they're touring with
Yeah, that was me, but keep it quiet. Don't want the underground paparazzi banging on my door. :Smug:
"OY! PETE! Slow down!!!"

Ever since you said "OY! LOMBARDO!!!" I can't get it out of my head. :lol:
I don't know what other guitarist they're touring with,
Strangely enough he looked like a young guy ... newbie looking dude with a Nile shirt ... that really had my panties in a bunch :)
Dude, I have the Superjoint Ritual dvd. They fucking smoke live. If you don't stick around for SJR, you're a 'tard.

Sure, Phil talks shit, but that's what makes Phil.... well, Phil. The man just oozes metal, people. Sometimes, he's an ass, and an ignorant one at that, but other times, he just makes you want to raise the horns and go; MUTHAFUCKAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, Tony Norman of MONSTROSITY is playing live for MA... that is awesome. Tony is a really cool, laid back guy. I smoked a blunt with him at the San Antonio MetalFest that Koshick put on a few years ago..

Anyone read my Monstrosity review? Talk about a sleeper hit of 2003.
he just makes you want to raise the horns and go; MUTHAFUCKAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know ... maybe if you are an easily impressed 16 year old.

He claims that SJR is the saviour to metal, but really Phil needs to save himself first.

He's like the fucking Courtney Love of metal ...

Even Vinnie and Dimebag called his band SUPER ARM DOPE RITUAL on a recent radio show interview here in NY.
lurch70 said:
He's like the fucking Courtney Love of metal ...

I loved the guy until I saw SJR live. He's a complete putz now. He talked shit about the guy from Godsmack about 6 separate times, it was pathetic.

Still has a good voice at least, even if Down II and the first SJR sucked his performance was pretty good. :)
Down II is great, I personally like it better than the first, but I believe I'm in the minority on that opinion.

SJR isn't so great. Got their first and just doesn't keep me interested, so I guess it's true Use Once and Destroy :p
Speaking of the Viking Crown Review, and unfortunatley owning the album myself, i agree that it is utter shit. And as for MA, does anyone else think that pete actually got faster, or is it just me?
I loved the guy until I saw SJR live. He's a complete putz now. He talked shit about the guy from Godsmack about 6 separate times, it was pathetic.
Well Monday he was talking shit about Type O Negative and how they suck and that they sound like "romance novel music" ... he also mentioned that they should still sound like Carnivore and that it would be a lot cooler ... OK Phil it is 2003 now.. Carnivore was 15 years ago! Cheers!!! And he had the balls to say this on T'ON's home turf.

And as for MA, does anyone else think that pete actually got faster, or is it just me?
I happened to watch Pete set up and soundcheck before they went on and i feel the same way. He is a crucial part of MA, expecially on this new release. He makes some of the songs what they are ... the only other drummer that can do this IMO is Lombardo with Slayer.

Have not bought a MA record since Blessed, but will pik up Heretic as the 3-4 tracks I downloaded are growing on me big time. Especially Stricken Arise ... brilliant!