Mord - Necrosodomic Abyss


Oct 22, 2006
Mord - Necrosodomic Abyss
Osmose Productions - Out Now
By Daniel Fisher


Mord were founded in 1999 by Nordra who recorded their first release of black metal pestilence as a one man band in 2001. Travel forward to 2008 and their latest offering, Necrosodomic Abyss, lands or slithers perhaps into my lap. I would first like to enquire what a Necrosodomic Abyss is, exactly. I can understand if it was a typo and they meant Necrosodomic Abscess. As, um, you know, when you’re sodomising the dead, you might cut yourself and it might get infected. Yeah.

Anyway, this is a well produced and well performed piece of black metal spite, as unrelenting as your mother in law and as caustic as her breath. It is a very confrontational album and, on the whole, it works. The drumming is frankly amazing and the songs are well constructed and have enough to draw a listener in.

My main criticism is that it is very genre specific and does little to move black metal any further forward. As good as Mord are, I can think of loads of other BM bands that are better for one reason or another. They simply don’t have anything that makes them stand out above the rest.

Official Mord Website
Official Osmose Productions Website