More Accept !!!


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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Dudes/dudettes !!

I just realized "Animal House" by U.D.O. is not U.D.O. but Accept. Thanks to my buddy Fangface, who sort of turned me on to that particular CD, I was listening to it, and thought to myself...... Hey.... this is Wolf !! and..... hey that's Peter !!! After an investigation, "Animal House" was written and recorded by, the membvers of Accept. It's not that U.D.O. is bad, but it's not Accept. However, in order to jumpstart Udo's career away from Accept, the band members wrote and recorded the album with Udo under his band's name.
When I heard that disc, it was like finding a long lost brother or something. That is what tweaked my latest interest in Accept. I have been listening to Accept for 20 years and for the last two weeks they have takens up about 80% of my player time. They are that good. Anyone here not much into them..... ahem... Sixx.... ahem.... should give them another spin. Epic, dual guitar, technical rythm section, greatest guitarist that ever lived and well..... Udo. Udo is the guy you love or love to hate. If you can learn to appreciate him, you will laugh at all of your JP and IM CDs. Accept's songwriting (presenttion, not lyrics) power and melody smoked those bands.

Animal House is a great record indeed, maybe the best ever done by UDO as a solo band?
I've always had a soft spot for "In the Darkness" on this album, a wonderful song that shows another aspect of UDO.

Too bad Mathias Dieth left a few years later, he did some tremendous guitar work on Animal House and their other early releases. Even if he cannot compete with Wolf either...
I really like all the UDO albums but think that "Animal House" is the best out of the bunch. That was the second one I got after having a tape copy of "Mean Machine" and being entirely addicted to it. I highly recommend anyone who hasn´t already to check out all the stuff UDO has done since leaving ACCEPT. In my opinion if you like ACCEPT then you will like UDO.