More Angel Of Retribution

Hmmm. Only a bit through Judas Rising, but I gotta say, it's pretty good. Very "new" sounding, in texture, but definately a 80s feel generally speaking in the general tune etc. Based on this tune alone, I'll buy the album. I was never a huge Priest fan, but have owned probably 5 or 7 of their albums (on and off - traded some in). I suppose it's too much to expect the old-school guitar sound, Marshall JCM800s and all that; most enduring bands don't want to be pigeon holed as nostalgia acts. So, while I would prefer a more classic sound....this is pretty good. As I type Deal With The Devil is on, and it too is good. Wow. I'm pretty damned hopeful for this album, and already intended to see them on their tour anyway. Now I'll go for sure. This could be Priest's year after all! Good stuff.
I've listened to the whole album and I've got only one thing to say:
HOLY SHIT, A.O.R. OWNS! :rock: :rock: :rock:

Man, am I glad to see them back in the top form!
The album sounds like Halford's Ressurection mixed with classic JP up to Painkiller. It won't come out of my Winamp for some time, that's for sure!
Every single song is great, no fillers here! :worship:
As soon as it's out, I'll get myself one, if the finances permit me.
At first, "Deal with Devil" almost comes across as a bit of a 'throw away' track. However, the mid-section and AWESOME solos being traded back and forth harken back to the band's glory days. After listening to it twice, I'd call the song 'essential', anything but "throw away" filler.

"Demonizer" sounds like the last two Halford solo records....good tune.

"Worth Fighting For" is nothing. It's weaker than "Revolution".

So, out of the 5 tunes I've heard from this record, two are great, one is ok, and the remaining two are forgettable. Hmmm, maybe the record won't be that good, after all. :err:
OK kiddos here's the whole enchilada

Two quick notes:

a) if this would have been the comback after 1990 "Painkiller" it would have been one of the crappiest comeback in history, but since it came after "Demolition" is a pretty good effort.

b) we are talking Judas Priest, so regardless of anything don't just d/l the album, go and purchase the original. If we support them through the Ripper era we have to support them now.

Dodens Grav said:
Lochness is basically a semi doom song, but it's quite good. The only songs I don't really care for are the slow, melodic type songs (Worth Fighting For, Angel, Eulogy). The rest is solid, in particular Judas Rising, Demonizer, and Hellrider.

'Lochness' is indeed type of doomy and I like the choruses very well, but the guitar effects towards the end are annoying. I don't care for 'Angel' or 'Eulogy' but I do like 'Worth Fighting For' a lot, to me one of the best in the album. On the other hand 'Demonizer' and 'Hellrider' sounds to much like something out of "Jugulator" and like 'Revolution' I felt them put of place in the album.
Wyvern said:
On the other hand 'Demonizer' and 'Hellrider' sounds to much like something out of "Jugulator" and like 'Revolution' I felt them put of place in the album.

Demonizer definitely sounds like something from Jugulator, but it's better than anything on that album (well...Cathedral Spires and the title track are actually a bit better).

Hellrider sounds like a leftover from Painkiller. I don't understand why the hell Halford didn't just do falsetto for the whole damn song. I know he's old, but hell, he can pull it off.
Jean-Pierre said:
Halford didn't just do falsetto for the whole damn song. I know he's old, but hell, he can pull it off.

Falsetto is annoying, that's why I can't stand King Diamond. I must admit that Halford is good at it, but let's get real this ain't 1990 anymore. Times takes its toll, even in the metal god.
Wyvern said:
Falsetto is annoying, that's why I can't stand King Diamond. I must admit that Halford is good at it, but let's get real this ain't 1990 anymore. Times takes its toll, even in the metal god.

He can still do it relatively well if he gives it his all. C'mon, you know a good deal of insane shrieking would perfectly suit Hellrider, especially the bridge in the middle. :grin:
Jean-Pierre said:
He can still do it relatively well if he gives it his all. C'mon, you know a good deal of insane shrieking would perfectly suit Hellrider, especially the bridge in the middle. :grin:

Dunno I must be getting grumpier JP, but I can get 'Hellrider' as most people dig it so far. Maybe is a matter of listening, a few more passes over will do (or not).

In anycase I know I'll get the album so my rants are not of consequence :p