more band speculation on my part...

Yngvai X

Dark Emperor
Jul 18, 2002
Woodland Park, NJ
I was just thinking, after reading the news on Blind Guardian's site today, what if Glenn booked Demons & Wizards? They have a new album out this year, Schaffer has expressed a lot of interest in the fest and was a guest at progpower 3, and thats a band that would certainly meet Glenn's hype that this lineup would be better than Progpower 3's. And I'm almost positive that Schaffer's management handles D&W, so there wouldn't be any problems with that I don't think ;).
Hey Matt, quick question, you might remember me from PP V, I was the huge Asian guy that was splitting a room with Noah, Im just wondering, how far along is your album going man?

Daybreaker said:
Hey Matt, quick question, you might remember me from PP V, I was the huge Asian guy that was splitting a room with Noah, Im just wondering, how far along is your album going man?


check my website, I do update it ya know ;)

PS - I haven't added this much, but the drums are being recorded next week.
As for headliners, I'm shooting for Stratovarius, Demons and Wizards, Therion (duh) and someone else... Shaman, Masterplan.... something like that?
Yngvai X said:
I was just thinking, after reading the news on Blind Guardian's site today, what if Glenn booked Demons & Wizards? They have a new album out this year, Schaffer has expressed a lot of interest in the fest and was a guest at progpower 3, and thats a band that would certainly meet Glenn's hype that this lineup would be better than Progpower 3's. And I'm almost positive that Schaffer's management handles D&W, so there wouldn't be any problems with that I don't think ;).
Demons & Wizards would be cool. But I say there is no way this lineup is even as good as last years. So far I am not convinced that it will be great. I hope I am wrong though. If I can convince myself that the lineup won't be great then maybe that will force it to be great!!!! :headbang: