More black metal funnies


Apr 14, 2001
Brisbane Australia
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This is pretty silly but also funny:

Legendary Norwegian black metal band DARKTHRONE, nominated last Wednesday in the "Metal" category for the highly coveted Norwegian Alarm Awards, have now been removed from the list of nominees.

DARKTHRONE, one of five candidates in the metal category for their album "Sardonic Wrath", communicated their dissatisfaction at being nominated in an article published in Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten the day after the selected names were released to the public. "We play real and honest black metal," drummer Fenriz commented in the article. "And we have no interest in being part of the glitter and showbiz side of the music industry."

Alarm Awards chief, Svein Bjørge, was surprised by the band's reaction but hasted to find a solution that culminated in the band's elimination from the category altogether.

On hearing the news that their wish had been granted, Fenriz commented, "I just wanted to say my piece about the whole Alarm nomination thing last week and whether they kept us in or not would have been no skin off my nose."

"I have everything AGAINST awards for black metal," Nocturno Culto added. "What a fucking circus this has become."

"I am not against awards in general," Fenriz concluded. "I just thought it was not for us."

"Sardonic Wrath" is out now on Moonfog with promotion and distribution through The End Records in North America.

Best line: "We play real and honest black metal," drummer Fenriz commented in the article. "And we have no interest in being part of the glitter and showbiz side of the music industry."

I read somewhere that Fenriz is a heroin addict... Dont know if its tr00 or not though.

Darkthrone are so fucking kvlt its hilarious :worship:

"What a fucking circus this has become."

Turn it up Noccy.
Maybe they should recall everything they've ever recorded, stop releasing albums, never record and only rehearse in separate buildings from each other, over the phone. That way, no one involved in the "glitter and showbiz" side of the industry has to hear them.
I had a promo copy of one of their albums in the mid 90s. It was so bad I gave it away. Actually I paid for postage to send it to someone I didn't even know.