more focus and separation ??

Snare kind of gets lost in the mix. Guitars sound like they need a bit more whoof. That solo/note progression at 1:06 or wherever it starts sounds like it's coming through a kazoo. Vocals are a bit loud, and the cymbals could come down a good amount.
the drums are buried so :better Drum Samples, less comp, louder.
I think than it would sound a lot better :D

Nice Music btw!

Can i try mixing it?:D:D
first thing is : its totally overcompressed. i cant listen to it more than 3 seconds in a row, sorry, because it gives headaches when mastered that hot.
id learn mixing first, then move on to mastering. maybe post the mix so we can actually hear whats wrong with your stuff.

maybe your mix is cool, then pay someone to master your stuff. its worth it, believe me!

or if money is an issue, maybe post the mix and let someone on the forum master your stuff...
I'm realizing that it's really hard to pick apart your own mix of your OWN song, because you've lived with the music for so long that you can't even focus on each element. Either way... I figured I'd give a little insight into the recording and mix to try and get some more help here since we're wrapping up production sometime next week.

Drums were tracked lived and were run through my zed r16, shells were replaced with random samples, did some eq and compression on each, as well as having 2 overheads, I had a room, HH and ride mic.

Guitars were recorded straight into the zed from a 6505 with a tubescreamer and isp decimator. All of the guitars were recorded with an ibanez, I just forget which one haha.

Bass was straight in, and I used 8505 I think for distortion on it.

Vocals (me) were recorded with an mxl v67g with some heavy compression and automation.