More Powerfest Pics!

@SilentCires: Angela!!!!!! :worship:

Those turned out great!!!! You got some great shots of Matt, which is hard to get since he's alwasy in the back. ;)

we love em'!!!!!!:headbang: :worship: :headbang: :worship:

we'll be seeing you again here ina few month in Atalnta!
BTW... was this on purpose? If not, look where the logo is and what me & mark are doing... I saw this and was laughin so hard I think I peed myself!!!


@Blackchest: LOL! yes... I am sporting the RW onstage, as a good-luck-charm and as a tribute to Rolf so that he might one day bring RW over to the states! :D I got a lot of comments from people about the shirt while I was there. :p

That is too funny!! Nope not on purpose.....I guess the editor didn't even notice that when she marked up the pics !LOL :Spin: LMAO

Glad u liked em I had a lot of fun shooting the pics! :tickled:

HOTlanta here we come~:hotjump:

Dustin said:
@SilentCires: Angela!!!!!! :worship:

Those turned out great!!!! You got some great shots of Matt, which is hard to get since he's alwasy in the back. ;)

we love em'!!!!!!:headbang: :worship: :headbang: :worship:

we'll be seeing you again here ina few month in Atalnta!
BTW... was this on purpose? If not, look where the logo is and what me & mark are doing... I saw this and was laughin so hard I think I peed myself!!!


@Blackchest: LOL! yes... I am sporting the RW onstage, as a good-luck-charm and as a tribute to Rolf so that he might one day bring RW over to the states! :D I got a lot of comments from people about the shirt while I was there. :p

Dustin said:
@Blackchest: LOL! yes... I am sporting the RW onstage, as a good-luck-charm and as a tribute to Rolf so that he might one day bring RW over to the states! :D I got a lot of comments from people about the shirt while I was there. :p

Coincidence? Mystical Magic? Go here: and read the track-listing on CD2 for the Tribute to Running Wild album!

:hotjump: :headbang: :hotjump: :headbang: :D

I hope this is the final track-listing...but Jörn from Remedy Records told me that there might be some suprising changes again...hopefully not for K5!