More Preamp Madness

Matt Smith

Jun 11, 2004
Athens, GA
I'm kinda rethinking my "preamps make minimal difference" stance again. I borrowed a different unit for the weekend and did some more comparisons on guitar. This time I had more time, so the tone isn't crappy and overgained. I don't know how much it will come across in these MP3s, but to me the difference is pretty huge:

Preamp 1

Preamp 2

Both are high-end units. To my ears, the first one is more hi-fi/scooped sounding, with a thinner midrange and extended high end (could be thin/shrill on some sources). The second one is WAY more midrange-voiced, to the point where it could potentially sound honky on some sources. I think both could find very good uses, depending on the source.
Interesting. Now to test some vocals...
I won't use the word "huge" but there's definitely a difference in the mid/high mid range.
I find the #2 to be softer/smoother but maybe the #1 will cut easier trough in the mix.
After several listening, I prefer the #1... More articulate, fuller.
Both sounds really good.

BUT i dislike the 1's lows.
I would prefer the second one.

Again, very good sounds.

Will you tell us the preamps now? :) And the whole chain actualy.
