more proof that George Bush is a fucking idiot, not that he NEEDS more proof

Myself being almost an atheist ( I don't really believe in god but I wish there is something after death ) think this is fucking bullshit ( if this is true ). Who is he to judge people that way??? God??? It's like saying who is good and who is bad. People can be what they want and he doesn't have a thing to say. By saying that, he probably piss off many scientists in his country. He could have said: Black people should not be considered as citizens nor should they be considered as patriots cause this is a white nation, it would have been the same thing. I have absolutely nothing against black people. It's just an exemple to show how his statement was unacceptable.
Pyrus said:
Vote Democratic '04! It doesn't matter who they nominate, Kerry, Edwards, or fuckin SHARPTON...the important thing is getting Bush out of the White House.

George bush fucking rules you pussies! Let;s see. For starters he's against faggots wanting to marry. Fuck queers and the steers they rode in on. They need to die of AIDS. 2nd of all he fucking fucked up those down camel jockeys. The only thing i am against him on is his policy of allowing illegals to come here and work legally. Fuck that. Oh and another good thing. He's cleaning up filthy talk shows. Kids dont need to be listening to that shit
dead6skin6mask6 said:
"I don't know that Atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God. "
George Bush

not to ruin your good time bashing dubbya...that quote is what his dad said as vice president in 1988 when he was running to become president.

[see the washington times, july 27, 1989, thursday, final edition; part a; nation; pg. a4; "Atheist drops by to wave the flag" by Jennifer Spevacek.
or the pittsburgh post-gazette; jan 22, 2001, Monday, section: local, pg. a-9, newsmaker; "a man of conviction; avowed atheist questions legality of commandments" by jeffrey cohan.]