Morte Macabre


What a member!
Jun 16, 2002
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They're an Anekdoten offshoot that released one album called "Symphonic Holocaust" in 1998. It's mostly mellotron-infested arrangements of some movie soundtrack themes like Rosemary's Baby or the great Goblin from Italy... VERY old school prog-esque obviously. Anyways, you all should check them out and stuff, they're much better than the very little Anekdoten I've heard...
This album is rather fantastic! It's my boss (owner of the record store Mellotronen) who's responsible for this one-off project. It was 2 members from Anekdoten + 2 members from Landberk. Morte macabre led the way to the formation of Paathos which is a new band in the same vein although they play originals unlike Morte macabre who did obscure covers. They've put out a vinyl 7" where the B-side is one if not THE most beautiful song I ever heard. Definately worth checking out. The song is called "Tea".

I'm trying to get these guys a proper record deal as we speak...
Check it out!
Ah, I do have the MM cd but I honestly gotta check my records about that 7" but I don't think I have it (but sometimes I forget what I've bought, haha). I got a small vinyl but I think it was a Landberk, not MM. Hummm..
Hopefully I'll hear that Tea track as I know your taste in beautiful music is... superb. :)

To the one who started the thread, you should check out Landberk if you haven't. Indian Summer is a fantastic cd. Landberk are probably my fav of the Landberk, MM or Anektodon, not as dark as MM I think, but very moody-type music. You'll feel high listening.. :p
the Morte Macabre album is really cool stuff. I like the tracks 6 and 4 the most. 6 sounds so damn old!
Landberk is indeed worth checking out. I'd recommend the track "Time" to start.