Moscow Gig Cancelled!


Sep 17, 2001
Terra firma
We are very sad to announce that the show scheduled for the 28:th of December in Moscow has been cancelled due to reasons beyond our control. We hope that matters can be resolved and that we can come to see our russian fans at a later date.

Originally posted by Villain
Someone probably thought that Moscow was too close to Finland...


No-Tranquillity Pains, Villain? :( I feel bad for you folks. We (U.S. fans) can't complain about them not playing here anymore (for now anyway).

For Finland, I will break with the guideline of only adding in continent images to my DT Plate pic. If they play in Finland this year I will add an image of Finland by itself, even if it is part of a European tour. Does that sound okay? :)
Originally posted by wildfyr
For Finland, I will break with the guideline of only adding in continent images to my DT Plate pic. If they play in Finland this year I will add an image of Finland by itself, even if it is part of a European tour. Does that sound okay? :)

Oh..but..awww. Okay. :oops:

-Villain (who fully appreciates the irony)
Villain, is it THAT impossible that you book the band and organize the concert in a big Finn city like Helsinki or wherever bands use to play in Finland??? I mean with a bit of organization I'm sure they would gather at least 1000 ppl in one gig which would make it profitful even for you...I don't know...just a thought!

fathervic (who's extremely bad with ironing)
Villain: oy. i didn't intend to point out an irony. i was being quite sincere. sorry if it was taken the wrong way.

sorry the Moscow folks are gonna miss this one, too. :(
Guess they had a bit of christmas shopping to do... ;)

Nah, but seriously that's too bad, but they'll hopefully make it up to all the disappointed the fans someday.
...otherwise manuel will stop masturbating for good and then jump on poor innocent people on the street, and you'll only have yourselves to blame! :lol:
