Moscow pics and set-list

Yeah show kicked ass hard, 3 extra songs in comparison to European shows... Alas these extras weren't from the old albums... I had hoped for some extra from "Osculum Obscenum" or "Abducted"...
There were around 1000 ppl, maybe more... I guess if there wouldn't be warm up fuckers from lame Blackcrowned we could listen to some extra... Anyway, Roswell '47 turned Moscow '47 which was funny enough... And Andreas was playing funny guitar interlude :grin: ...

The only thing that sucked about the gig was a lot of militia, they forced everyone who had some bag or rucksack to check it to check-room, so there was a queue on the entrance, the same shit has happened on the way back... I wonder have they sought terrorists out there?:tickled:
>>the band really liked the way they were treated by the promoters
not only did the Band like the way the promoters treated them, but also the way WE (those who had visited the performance) greeted them. I know this because Horgh told me this thing after the concert: me and two more people went to the hotel to meet the Band, where we were able to chat with them and make some photos :) That was fabulous...

>>so people are quite hungry for good metal
that's true. But Vader visitied us in april, and Cannibal Corpse and Ragnarok (Norway) are to come in september :)