Most Consistant Bands


Mar 17, 2008
Sheffield, United Kingdom.
Which bands have a flawless record - not one single bad album or whatnot? I know there are very few, but name the ones that stand out! I'm only doing metal bands, but y'all can do whatever :)
Also note that citing a band such as Toxik, Nailbomb, Evile etc. is a little unfair since they only had 1 or 2 albums out. Try and keep it to bands with 3+ records!

I'm gonna nominate;

Strapping Young Lad
Dark Angel
Cannibal Corpse
Yes Megadeth, Really.

Self confessed fanboy, Dave could poop in a bag and I'd call it genius.
Kreator IMO anyway.
Coroner definately
Death definately
I would say nearly Testament but Souls Of Black is just too lacking in inspiration to make them in my opinion.

Thats all I can think of for now.
You know..... I was gonna say Death like evyone else, but Im not a big fan of spiritual healing, I love the cover of the album but the music itself is a little meh.:erk:
You know..... I was gonna say Death like evyone else, but Im not a big fan of spiritual healing, I love the cover of the album but the music itself is a little meh.:erk:
Now now! Thats Deaths best album! Living Monstrocity is one of the best Death songs going. The main riff from that song is from a very old one of theirs called Back From The Dead and Napalm Death do a lovely cover of that live.

Spiritual healing has the best song structures ever. Its like the perfect bridge between leprosy and Human. Is had the maturity of Human and the brutality of Leprosy.
Yes Megadeth, Really.

Self confessed fanboy, Dave could poop in a bag and I'd call it genius.

but risk is probs worse than poop in a bag, well thats probs a bit harsh but it sadly makes Megadeth abit inconsistent i think


erm is really hard to think of others, i dont like matter of life and death so i cant say Maiden

Oh yer i nearly forgot Metallica
Now now! Thats Deaths best album! Living Monstrocity is one of the best Death songs going. The main riff from that song is from a very old one of theirs called Back From The Dead and Napalm Death do a lovely cover of that live.

Spiritual healing has the best song structures ever. Its like the perfect bridge between leprosy and Human. Is had the maturity of Human and the brutality of Leprosy.

Its not that I dont like it, its just that its the worst one IMO. I love leprosy and Human but cant wrap my ears around spiritual healing. I do listen to it though.

St. Anger? That horrible turd they just released?

hahahaha exactly, St. anger is an abortion.
Pantera's been pretty flawless.

:lol: Pantera haven't be flawless at all, their first four records are hilarious and Reinventing the Steel mad eme cry. Except the single, that kicked ass.

Another band to mention is Sepultura. Because we all know they broke up in 1996 (Roots was alright, shhhh!)

And whoever said Metallica, I laugh at you :lol: <<<< see?