Most difficult CoB song to play


Nov 23, 2001
Malaga, SPAIN
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This is for those who play guitar. Which is the most difficult CoB song for you??

Right now I´m learning the song "Children of Bodom", and the beginning is fucking difficult, but at last I could played it.
man you must be better than me , cause i always get stuck on the harmonics of the first riff of kissing the shadows, i mean i cant make them ring out every time. alexi is god
Kissing The Shadows...just those end solo's are hard cause i'm not very good sweeper, but there's other hard songs too. Kissing The Shadows isn't so hard as it sounds, just end solo's are hard if you're not good sweeper.
Interesting..... It looks that Kissing the Shadows is winning at the moment. Í have never tried to play that one. I´ll get the tab and I´ll try to play it.

And yeah, the easiest song is Bed of Razors. And Downfall is easy too (at least for me).

Ok, I have just to check out the Kissing the Shadows tab, and.....
well.... let´s say that I think I won´t be able to play that solo (and especially the end of the solo, as OzzOzbourne says) ´till the year 2050.....


I can´t believe how Alexi can play those fucking sweeps so fast....
Originally listened to by Grishákh
Keskiaikainen Kidutusaparaatti - Fear of The Dark LIVE


Good choise! :D

As for the actual subject of this thread....
I've no idea. Most of them (of what I've tried) are too hard for me.

What do you think is the easiest song?
I have yet to encounter that, unfortunately my CoB collection ain't too good yet.
Well I have only played guitar for one year so I cant really play most of Bodom stuff. I would say that Bed of Razors is the easiest along with Silent Night... of the ones i have tried to learn. The hardest would be Kissing the Shadows for those crazy solos at the end. Damn that is fast!
I once covered "Towards Dead End" with one of my bands, and I can tell you that one sure ain't easy! I'm a drummer, and I didn't find the technical stuff on the drums very hard, but damn Jaska is fast and damn is he in shape! While I was rehearsing that song I lost 10 kg. in 3 weeks!!!

I think the guitar parts are not easy, the fast sweep things in the beginning are fucking FAST and the solo in the end is also very hard, on the guitar AND on the keyboards! Try it sometime, you'll see :)
Towards dead end sounds much harden than actually is... the only difficult part i think is the armony between the two guitars at the end of the first chorus (to play it at the same time, and to play it 100% acurated, beacause otherwise it sounds like crap in "harmony" (no se si existe ese termino en ingles))
Well well, the only song I can play is Bed Of Razors (there's still some parts that needs practicing thought)... I have played guitar for just 1/2 year, so don't blame me... :)

Kissing the shadows' solos sound very difficult to play indeed.
Toughtest is defenetly Kissing The shadows [just for those sweeps], but I found myself playing easy the Lake Bodom and Silent Night.............
ALelexi got to be tehnicaly perfect to play all of it with the sound, the speed and the dexterity those solos except :(
I think I wouldnt be albe to play at his level ever :buahaha: :)
yeah, the sweeps at the end of kissing the shadows are completly unsane. I'll be practicing those at a snails pace for a good 2 years. I have the alternate picking at the begining of the song, but it's tricky to ring out that 5th fret pinch clearly.