most embarrassing moment!

When I admitted to playing Magic: The Gathering.


Either that or the time that I got completely shithouse drunk in a hotel room with 2 of my buddies and a bunch of chicks I've never seen before, then spending the day at the beach (sans anyone I knew before the night before) with memories slowly trickling in and becoming most ashamed.

My memory: Looking for a place to pass out in a single bed hotel room with 12 people in there, and finding an open space on the bed. What luck! As soon as I lay down, a few people starting making jokes and I started laughing with them.

What really happened: Apparently I was so annoying the girls thought if they cleared off a space on the bed, I would lie down and shut up. Apparently I muttered "coooll.... chicks" before face planting on the bed, passed out for 2 hours, then woke up and started laughing incoherently: "dude it sounded like you couldn't breath!"

Haha, this is making me laugh just remembering it.
OK so who's going next? Come on, who'll own up to having a parent find porn under the bed? I was so humiliated when my mother found some skinmags in my bedroom.

I had the dumbest hiding places for porn as well. I didn't think it through at all....d'oh! It's like Chris Rock said, the #1 spot for having someone find your porn is in the VCR.
JayKeeley said:
OK so who's going next? Come on, who'll own up to having a parent find porn under the bed? I was so humiliated when my mother found some skinmags in my bedroom.
As long as you don't get caught in the middle of some sweet sweet love making to a glossy foldout, you're okay. :Spin:
Well were the pages stuck together then that is just as embarrasing.:ill:

Drinking always makes the most embarrasing situations.

I was going thro some issues at the time and my friend took me out to a Dance Club for his G/F's b-day. Well anyhow, I was drinking very heavy, got sick and downed vomit with like 4 more beers afterwards, I was that hammered. Admitting that is bad enough.:erk: Well somewhere inbetween all the crappy music they put on some Bodycount, (don't know why) and I was the only one headbanging to it, so that was kinda cool.:Smug: The night was a haze and I only remember very small portions of it, A fight broke out on the dance floor I didn't notice and I start bashing up against the bouncer in my drunkin stuper, my friend pulled me away before he punched me.

I know not really embarrasing but I don't have many embarrassing things to tell.
lizard said:
I think its when my friend Kelly (chick) and I took the Strassenbahn down to the old Mathaeser's Paulaner beer hall at fest time and got wicked drunk.

We both hurled, and on the strassenbahn back to our dorm we started making out, with some serious tongue action!

since we were both barfy breathed, it didn't matter!

EDIT: Yikes, misread the post! >_<

OK so who's going next? Come on, who'll own up to having a parent find porn under the bed? I was so humiliated when my mother found some skinmags in my bedroom.

My mum found mine in an outside pocket of my leather jacket :erk: I remember I'd picked it up a few days before, and realised I'd been walking around for two or three days with it sticking out! >_<

Anything else? Well, just over 18 months ago I went to a gig and got thoroughly rat-arsed. The second band on, I made a mild tit out of myself when they were tuning up mid-set and I shouted "PLAY, YOU CUNTS!", and realising everyone had heard me, mewed "please!" after to cover myself :erk: the singer just went "And how much have you had to drink then?" in that 'you twat' kinda voice...
...and then the third band came on. I thought they were rather good. So after I'd nicked one of the guitarist tinnies from behind a moniter, I showed my pleasure by taking off my gunbelt and swinging it around my head. For months afterwards I had people coming up to me and saying, "you were at the Cooperage that night, weren't you? You twatted me in the face with your belt!". Word is that the band were none to impress...but they're a bunch of arrogant cunts anyway :p
Thanks for reminding me, I puked in class in 6th grade, multiple times before I made it out the door. I will never forget the screams of EWWWW!!! and above all those voices, the hottest girl in class was the loudest.
..AND when I wore my first Darkthrone shirt to school, I was so happy, then everyone laughed at it. and one person pulled it over my head. That was quite embaressing.
About porn... Well, I've got a 'Cats Babes of the Month - January'poster on my wall and mom does mind a bit, sure, but I don't... And we all do stupid stuff while drunk but I don't think that's embarrasing, it's just funny. Like this one time when me and my brother shared 5 litres of home-made wine in maybe an hour or so and then went to ride sleigh (pulka, actually) on a mountain (NOT a hill!) close to here, drunk as hell... We went up once, down once and then tried to go home. I'm not really sure about where my brother went, nut I ended up passed out holding the handle to the garage door of some friends of my parents (Fire depatrment chief around here) and afrter a few hours they got home from somewhere and thought at first I was a burglar, then that I was dead or dying (I was all red in my face due to the cold) and then realized it was just silly old me, dead drunk :) I got a ride home in their new volvo with leather seats and all and puked as soon as they opened the door for me when I got home... Then dad helped me to bed and placed a bucket beside it if I had to throw up again. As I said, not embarrassing, just fun!
Funny shit, I had to reply to some of this in two parts :)

1. Total dumbass moment with a brush of greatness. This was back like in 1983 or 1984 not sure but it was during Accept's Metal Heart tour. They were touring with Coney Hatch (remember them?) and Rough Cutt on the bill. My friend Steve (who is probably one of the very few black headbangers I have ever known) and I were at the Hollywood Paladium for that show. Well we had a little to drink (enough to have a nice buzz) maybe about a 6 pack each but Steve was a total pot head. I would smoke out from time to time if it was free and usually with Steve it was free since his brother had "connections".

Well I don't know what the fuck we smoked that night but the shits was potent and probably laced with something. I was so fucken stoned I couldn't see straight (yet I somehow remember some of this shit) :) So we are hanging near the stage (mind you security in the 80's was totaly kick back, heck if you passed a doobie to one of them guards they smoke it with you) checking out Coney Hatch and Rough Cutt...sometime during the middle of the Rouch Cutt set everyone I guess decided to rush the stage and we were like in the front getting mangled. Well my friend Steve pulls me out before I suffocate to death (oh yeah and we were still smoking inside the show) so we make our way towards the back. I am so fucken stoned my eyes were beyond glossy :) and I am standing next to like 3 or 4 people. My friend Steve kept poking me and kept saying "dude" "oh my God look who you're next too!" I kept looking over and although I did see a hot looking chick (well for me) and a couple of ugly looking bastards :) I kept thinking wtf is he talking about? Finally, I did a double take (keep in mind I am only 5'6") and standing next to my stoned ass is probably one of the best Heavy Metal Vocalist ever! It turns out I was standing next to Ronnie James Dio all along...well fuck me I was speechless!!! I am not a shy person :) at all but at that point and time I didn't know wtf to say...well neither did my friend Steve who just kept smiling at Dio. The only words that came out of my mouth were "Hello Mr. Dio" and some gibberish to this day for the life of me I can't remember what I said. I had the stupid ass grin on my face and felt I was going to pass out...I do remember Ronnie saying something like "Thank you, thank you very much" but for some reason I kept getting a tape recording in my head of Elvis! :)

It turned out the other people with him was his wife at the time Wendy Dio, his keyboardist Claude Schnell and bassist Jimmy Bain...I believe Dio or his wife produced the Rough Cutt album or something so they were there checking them out. I also heard that Dio's wife at the time Wendy had some sort of an affair with a member of Rough Cutt. Not sure in the truth about that...but I am sure one of you might know.

It's embarassing enough to make a jackass out of yourself but what's even worse is when you are too fucken' stoned to even do that. To this date, I have never got a chance to me Ronnie in person again in which I place as one of my top 5 vocalist ever!!! Oh well, the good thing is I stopped smoking pot years ago...the bad thing is, I still drink a lot to make up for my stupidity! ;)

2. Shit had to edit this because I forgot point 2. Since we all seem to be in touch with our manhood, I guess there is no shame in talking about your "whack off" stories! :) My favorite is coming home from school one day and finding some Jehovah's Witness or some sort of literature on my bed. Keep in mind my mother is from Spain so I am staring at some Spanish literature on my bed. I am going like wtf is this? I started to look at it and they had these illustration (it might have been some Christian cartoon book or something can't remember but they had these cartoon books that always had some sort of message) and it was about sex and masturbating and all the other no-no sex stuff. I remember one of the books was ear marked to this page specifically talking about whacking off and how guility it is and shit like that. Well first thing that comes to my mind is OH shit she found my stash...sure enough I got to my secret compartment (aka a loose board) and my stash is gone. I could not face my mother at the dinner table for like 2 weeks...I guess the guilt thing worked...for a while :) then I found a new hiding this date (my parents still live in the same house) I am willing to bet that a collectors issue of Penthouse, Oui and Squank (or whatever that mag was called) are still there! ;)

Cheers! Tony