Most extreme band ever


Get your ass to mars!
Sep 13, 2008
"With Metal bands trying to out-do each other in terms of "EXTREMENESS", one Metal star decided to set a new precedence. Never shy of being the ultimate extreme Metal band, they ended the show with a brand new track, which oozed of extremeness. The track in question included guest vocals; the lead singer's wife giving birth - an absolutely extreme track, unrivalled by ANY Metal band in terms of grunts and screams. The song lasted around 4 hours and finally ended with the baby popping out and screaming down the mic. The baby in question was immediately given a "666" tattoo on it's forehead and the bassist quickly registered the baby's name using his "Daemonware Laptop" and getting on the world wide web. In minutes the Baby was named "Damien" before the lead singer growled down the microphone for 3 minutes and ate his own baby, whilst his Wife tickled her pickle. As the feast began, the rest of the band members began chanting in demonic dialects, singing about a city of Paradise with darkened green grass and females of a pretty nature.

After the new born baby was consumed, the lead singer defecated onto the crowd and screamed for the next 7 minutes. Unbeknownst to the crowd, that scream was actually the band's encore track. Fans went home with their lives changed, but even after the defecation they still refused to shower. The band sky-rocketed as becoming the most EXTREME metal band in the world and were praised by critics for such hardcore acts. The band in question were swiftly awarded a medal of metal honour"

Obviously it isn't true! But it made me laugh. :lol: