Most Hardcore/Demented Music Videos

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That video is about a million times more "hardcore" than all of the shitty "look how tough and/or evil we are" metal videos combined.
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That video is about a million times more "hardcore" than all of the shitty "look how tough and/or evil we are" metal videos combined.

Fucking YES. Windowlicker and Rubber Jonny are also extremely awesome and just as demented. Chris Cunningham is a fucking unbelievably talented director.

My brother just showed me Aphex Twin and he told me that this is there only song thats cool. He said the rest is rubbish. Is that true? Cause if they've got other stuff similar to this im definitely gonna check em out.

Erm, no that's not true. Aphex Twin has heaps of great stuff. But I can see how Come To Daddy would be the track that appeals to a metalhead the most.
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