Most Irritating Person at Work

for me, its one of the cleaning guys. because I have long hair he stopped me one day and asked me if it was my harley out in the parking lot. I said no, it belongs to our database guy. he asks me, well, are you in a band, because you look like a rock musician. I say, well, I have a bass guitar but I have no discipline to actually practice.

this was about a year ago.

now every time he sees me (pretty much every day):

dumb cleaning guy: "hey guitar man. bought that stratocaster yet?"

me: "no, I told you I don't play guitar."

dumb cleaning guy: "what, c'mon, when you gonna buy a guitar?"

me: "never...I TOLD you I don't play the guitar..."

dumb cleaning guy: "I saw a stratocaster the other day, man you could afford it..."

me: *furious teeth-grinding noise*

now this fucker has me dodging him (if I'm fortunate enough to see him first)
tell him some story about how one day you found a gay friend trying to stick your bass's headstock up his arse, and your horrified of playing anymore because all you can think about is your axe sodomising a member of the gay community. it should work.
lizard said:
dumb cleaning guy: "I saw a stratocaster the other day, man you could afford it..."

dumb cleaning guy: "I saw a stratocaster the other day, man you could afford it..."

you: I could afford a lot better then a stratocaster. That sounds like a guitar for a "dude" on your salary. By the way, my garbage can is filling up...
I work Fridays and we've been understaffed since the start of the semester. So, they not only changed it such that we close an hour earlier (meaning my co-worker now is there for one hour), but gave us this new doorstop. Four weeks in and she was still observing to get the hang of things. Then, they made her actually work on a Wednesday and it seems she changed her hours to "low traffic Fridays."
I work in a 24/7 envirronement so we have weird work shifts like 1am to 9am and 5 pm to 1 am. Additionally we often do 16 hour shift.

The most annoying guy is the guy that usually work the 1am to 9am shift, he has absolutly no life and we are his only "friends". Whenever you finish your shift and he comes in next he just won't let you go, he talks and talks, even if you made it clear that you don't listen to a word he says. He even follows you back to your car and keeps talking...