Most Recent Mix..Feedback Appreciated


New Metal Member
Apr 27, 2011
Hey everyone, I'm a long time reader of the forum but a first time poster. So for starters just want to say thanks to everyone who contributes to making this place awesome.

Now to get down to business. I've been working on a project that I tracked and mixed within the past week or so and would like any feedback, good or bad. Kick and snare are blended, toms are raw with no samples and I was without proper overheads so the cymbals are a bit shaky in my opinion. Guitars are all podfarm. Wanted to reamp but the client decided they liked the tone enough already. So heres the link. this link is dead now

Here's a new link

For anyone wondering the band is called After Me The Flood. They are good dudes and worth a listen.
CJ from Sonic Assault did AMTF's first EP! =D

I feel like there's way too much compression on the all the drums and the snare has a NASTY ring coming from it. :/
Other than that it's all good.
Got an updated mix I just finished. I'll post the link in a few its a different song than the first one and yeah that snare had a bad ring. I think I got the majority of it scooped out this time. I was going back and forth with my buddy that I work with about cutting it with him telling me the ring didn't cut through the mix. So thats actually a little validation for me haha.