Motionless In White Soundtracks


Feb 7, 2011
I really dig the horror-themed screech noises before breakdowns. It's like instead of abusing reverse snares every song, there's a mix between the usual effect elements and this kind of theatric horror soundtrack. I was wondering if someone or maybe the Sturge, himself, could enlighten me as I'm recording a band who's compared themselves to Motionless/Alesana. I'd like to be prepared in case they end up looking for that kind of sound. I probably won't use it as frequently but a little bit here and there would be nice :)

Thanks, guys. I'll post my mixes when they're finished.
Oh, well wouldn't you know it. You're right. Apologies. I stick by my question, though. It's still relevant. I don't know what made me think Sturgis produced it. Similar sound, I guess.
Would you have any insight as to how to get that kind of a horror-film kind of a sound? I've messed with synths like Massive, Reason, Nexus and whatnot but it's rough trying to get a similar thing goin'.

Btw, we should play Starcraft 2 again soon if you have the time, these days!
Hey its me Andrew, the creepy sound I used was an instrument called a water harp aka water phone. I found a free library online with tons of samples in it, don't remember where though...
Good luck!
^^^ ah Andrew (big boss) Wade. Absolute legend, welcome dude. 'If you're gonna suck so much, why don't you just be in a ska band' haha