

Creepiness Och Terrorism
Jun 10, 2008
Psychedelic Planet
Hey guys, I know this isn't a philosophical topic, but, well, this seems the only place where people can discuss things in a mature way and seriously.
I was trying to study today, i have an exam for scholarship to japan next june, and i'm not ready yet !!!!! since November i quit uni and so i don't study things like maths and programing anymore on my own, so it's hard for me to study such things again after all this period !! i need some tips of to be motivated and most of all, focused on the goal I set, and how to maintain that in a long term. My failure of studying is a result of spending a lot of time without doing that activity and only listening to music and reading books ?? or it's just a long process to get back on track again ?
Thank you for your help good people ^^
It can be as simple as creating an "Anchor" to that emotional state otherwise known as a stimulus response that invokes that state be it happiness, calmness, or in your case motivation.

You may have to do this a few times before it will work for you because you have had no prior experience, but its works relatively well anyways.
So either think of a past experience where you felt motivated to do something or think of something that you already feel very motivated to do, and then find a easy to remember spot to put a touch anchor to, such as behind your ear, squeezing your thumb, etc. Once you have found it, it is just simply thinking of that motivation with that specific response, the more times you do it, more it will reinforce the anchor. A very important point to remember is that you should aim for the crescendo of the emotion not the peak.

That is one of a few others I know that work, such as changing the internal pictures to match ones that are the motivational submodality.
You may actually find that the submodalities automatically change while doing this kind of anchoring.
^ thank you for your help ^^ i will try it. I've actually started preparing and forcing myself not to think about music, hanging out, computer while i'm doing maths but it's going well in small steps. I really need to prepare for probably the most important exam in my life, if i get good grades in maths, i will get a scholarship for three years to study in Japan, it would be a dream come true !!!!
I really need to prepare for probably the most important exam in my life, if i get good grades in maths, i will get a scholarship for three years to study in Japan, it would be a dream come true !!!!

So there is your inspiration
^ damn, i realized that dis morning but i couldn't put it into an expression :rofl: !! i was like : you wanna get it , so work ur ass off !! as usual, put the goal and do my best to get it. thx people.
before studying jerk off, then say to yourself you're an asshole if math (or whatever) is stronger than you. hate yourself for that. take the goddamn book and open it. say to yourself that it's interesting, someone was very intelligent to write all those things, reach those conclusions, try to read it as you're really interested in it. it helped me to get into college. it was a veeery hot sumer, i was drinkin beer, listening to music and reading it like i was reeeeheeeheealy into it. then, after the studying, i would go out and have fun - all proud of myself.
^ Yeah i think i'm going through the same thing as u did actually. It's hot here, the exam is so close, but I'm almost done with all the chapters, still 2 and a half missing, and reading everything in english is pretty much better than in French (as in all the colleges here) and it really made me want to know more things that what i'm supposed to, plus, i've found out that i missed a lot of stuff in maths over the last few years, coz two years back we didn't have a math teacher and the others who came to supply were too late to the job so i missed a lot of things. Thank you for help guys ^^ I really needed it
^ it's going great mate !!
Yesterday i recieved a letter from the embassy telling me that they have accepted my request to attend the exam. The problem is that our exam system and the lessons are different from what we got here, so no matter how much i study maths dunno how much i covered lessons. but from what i saw in the previous exams, just 3 cool lessons left !! and the exam is three weeks ahead. just Maths and English
advanced math and "proper" english always gave me problems. Good luck, stay focused, its amazing the strenght the focus factor has. I finally applied it the last month of highschool and its the only reason I graduated.