Motley Crue's "The Dirt"


24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface
I'm currently reading this book, because I've been on this kick of reading band biographies. Growing up, I often dreamed of living the "rock star" lifestyle. With that said, if this was close to what it was like, then it wasn't for me! :lol: Sex, drugs, and rock n roll doesn't even begin to describe the life of the Crue during the early 80's, wow!

Has anyone read this? If so, what's your take? Also, are there any other books about 80's hard rock bands that are worth reading? :kickass:

I am not a big Motley Crue fan but I enjoyed the book very much. The most intriguing aspect for me was having all four band member's perspectives on the same situations. It was interesting to see how the individuals viewed/reacted to the same situations.
I definitely recommend it....good read!

I just ordered "Gimmie an R", Brian Vollmer's biography (lead singer of Helix). I read some excepts from it years ago when he was writing it and from what I read it was just fabulous and very intriguing.

Saxon's Biff Byford's autobiography was a good read as well...
Great book. I think what always separated Motley Crue from the rest of the L.A. Metal scene was; they were simply being themselves, everyone else was trying to be Motley Crue.

I love this book.....all you have to do is read the first few lines and you're hooked. It's crazy they are still alive considering all the crap they put in their bodies. The part about Vince's daughter is absolutely gut wrenching.
I love books like this - books on Phil Lynott (Thin Lizzy) - think I got one from his Mom signed when I was over in Ireland.

Very intrigued about the Biff Byford autobio though - they are one of my favorite bands - what's it called? Gotta amazon search that bad boy now :)

Slash's autobio makes for interesting reading. I love the books on the beatles, the books on the doors (but my fave is probably Burn Down the Night which is a owrk of fiction) and of course - the Zep bios, awesome stuff :)
Easily one of the best rock books of all time. I know Nikki mentioned the screenplay for the film version was being shopped around but nothing has been finalized.....
Great book. I think what always separated Motley Crue from the rest of the L.A. Metal scene was; they were simply being themselves, everyone else was trying to be Motley Crue.


I agree with you. It seems like a lot of those glam guys from back then took a lot of stuff from local people for wearing makeup, etc. For example, Michael Monroe using ladies rooms, not because he wanted to, but because he got hasseled so much in the men's rooms! :lol: I thought it was interesting too reading about all the Satanic stuff that Nikki was messing around with during the "Shout At The Devil" era. Apparently, he's not a big fan of the ol' Devil himself as of late!

The Dirt is one of those books that spoke some hard truth and breathed some reality into the illusion of the rock and roll lifestyle. After reading that i had to take a chemical bath to get the stench off.:) I am most definitely about the music first, what they were doing was just insanity.
The Dirt is one of those books that spoke some hard truth and breathed some reality into the illusion of the rock and roll lifestyle. After reading that i had to take a chemical bath to get the stench off.:) I am most definitely about the music first, what they were doing was just insanity.

:lol:...yeah, after reading every few chapters or so, I feel like I need to take a shower!

I loved The Dirt. If you haven't already you should pick up their Saints of Los Angles cd. It follows along the book fairly well. Also Nikki Sixx's Heroin Diaries is also a great read.
I loved The Dirt. If you haven't already you should pick up their Saints of Los Angles cd. It follows along the book fairly well. Also Nikki Sixx's Heroin Diaries is also a great read.

I read that on my last trip to the States. I was astonished about how much of a lowlife junkie Nikki Sixx actually was. I knew he was bad, but holy hell that one opened my eyes.
I read that on my last trip to the States. I was astonished about how much of a lowlife junkie Nikki Sixx actually was. I knew he was bad, but holy hell that one opened my eyes.

Just finished "HD" myself. I was sickly fascinated by it. The book was redundant (I did drugs. I did more drugs. Then I drank and did drugs) but for some reason couldn't put it down. I'm looking around for "The Dirt" now, and I'll have to check out Lemmy's book.

Steve in Philly
I don't know how much interest I have in reading the "Herion Diaries" after reading "The Dirt". I doubt that I can take much more reading about shooting up, drinking, passing out, waking up, and shooting up again. o_O
