Motorhead - The World Is Yours

I don't like Motorhead. I listened to this album and I still don't like Motorhead. Discuss.

Ok, this post would be as absurd as me making a post about the new DIMMU BORGIR album. They have been around for many years, and I have not liked any of their stuff. Therefore, why would I even bother listening to a new album of theirs, let alone make a post about how I don't like them, and never have????
The post is not absurd. All I meant is that I tried the new album but I don't like it. This is the thread for fans of the band to discuss the new album. I was sort of helping them along and letting a few Motorheaders know that their beloved band has an album on the horizon in case they weren't aware by some chance. By the way the album is given away free with Classic Rock magazine here in the UK - I think the next issue as the Cheap Trick album is being given away for free with the current one. More bands who don't necessarily rely on sales should do this type of thing.
Yeah, I heard about that too.
I hope I can find it at the book stores here who have imports.

Sorry - what I found absurd was that you made a thread about a band you never liked, who has a new album, that you KNOW darn well is going to sound like every other album of theirs (pretty much the same formula for over 30 years).

Well, if your true intent was to generate Motorhead discussion, then I will say they are a top 10 band of all time for me, of all genres of music.

I eagerly await this one, as their last couple since INFERNO have been amazing.
Yeah, I heard about that too.
I hope I can find it at the book stores here who have imports.

Sorry - what I found absurd was that you made a thread about a band you never liked, who has a new album, that you KNOW darn well is going to sound like every other album of theirs (pretty much the same formula for over 30 years).

Well, if your true intent was to generate Motorhead discussion, then I will say they are a top 10 band of all time for me, of all genres of music.

I eagerly await this one, as their last couple since INFERNO have been amazing.

Yeah, Firebreath that initial comment was one of the strangest ways I've seen a thread start.

I'm with you Jason, the last couple albums have been good, though I did prefer "Kiss of Death" to "Motorizor." Overall though, Motorhead, while I wouldn't say they're in my top 10 are pretty close. There also aren't many bands that have had the consistency of quality songs that they have.
I doubt you'll find this at any bookstores though, Jason. I waited to see if the Slash one was going to do this, but it didn't. I ended up just ordering it from HMV instead. Good to see Classic Rock giving Motorhead their due though.
I never liked Motorhead. I saw them live, I listened to their music and I still didn't like Motorhead. I will not listen to this album because I still don't like Motorhead.

Why do I post? Who knows...
I love Motorhead, have since I heard a friend's sister's boyfriend's version of Bomber & Overkill when I was like 14-15... Sometimes you just have to leave the complex/proggy stuff on the shelf, & rock out..... :kickass:

Oh, and the new Motorhead cd kicks ass!
I'm a very late bloomer to Motorhead. I saw them a few years back during the Metal Masters Tour. They kicked my ass and I've been a fan since.

We're Motorhead...and we play rock n roll!:kickass:
