MotW Board. I need some opinions on this album I just bought


Apr 3, 2003
I just purcased these albums:

Office of Strategic Influence LE
My Dying Bride 34.788%...Complete
Symphony X - Divine Wings

Total: $35.00 including shipping

The only one I bought blind was MDB. The rest I'm quite familiar with. But then I went on Amazon and looked at the reviews for 37.788%. And they were mixed to say the least. So then can someone give me some input. Is it really that bad? Or is it a good kind of experimental album that close minded people wouldn't usually adapt to?
considering i am not a doom/death fan i found that MDB album to be really cool! its been a while since i listened to it. but i always give mad props to bands who attempt something new with their music and that album was a nice departure from their other stuff. i also liked some of the stuff on the angel and the dark river but its been awhile since i have heard either of those two albums.

OSI = awesome
Symphony X i have never liked that much. too wanky for my wankerific tastes in music.
I really really like it. The texturing work is fantastic. The songwriting and lyrics aren't really as strong a point on this album as the mood and texturing, which are masterful.
Well I was just wondering. Thanks for your opinions. The reason I can't "think for myself" on this one is because I haven't received the album yet (just bought them online today). I tried listening to sound clips but that hardly gave me the right to pass judgement.
FuSoYa said:
maybe rabid warfare is a member of MDB and is secretly trying to get people to talk shit on 34.788% !

HAHA not even close. I seriously bought this album because I've heard some good things from others. I rarely ever buy music without hearing it first. But this was one exception. It was only 10$ from so I thought I'd take the chance.