mountain party


Jul 1, 2003
Concord, CA
i was just wondering if anyone from here has gone to Mountain Party before.

it's basically a bunch of nor-cal metal bands playing up in the middle of nowhere in the mountains.

i went a year ago and it was pretty fucking fun. just lots and lots and lots of drinking and some good old fashioned metal.

they've got a website at

if you're local to nor-cal it's pretty much worth checking out. they usually do it during the summer. it's about a 4 hour drive from the bay area to get up there.
hey man, there was just a thread bout that on . thats where they all hang out.

there is spose to be one this year, however the main band, starch, broke up. those guys set everything up, so theres a possibility it wont happen. but my money is on another year of drunken madness

as for the bands. theyre mostly the newer thrash sound. cept for starch, they were more old school. mostly just a bunch of bands goin to the woods, playin metal, and gettin drunk.
and, btw, thats my buddy vinny who won drunker than all. hes fuckin hilarious. especially when "fast eddie" makes an appearance