Mourning Beloveth - A Disease for the Ages[/b][/i]
Prophecy Production - 13 May 2008
By Brandon Peters
Mourning Beloveth hails from Ireland, and they have put out some exhaustive doom/death. The albums have always been held up as one of the top tier doom/death bands, so this album was greatly anticipated. Mourning Beloveth goes about their doom/death in a standard way with heavy guitars and almost drowning growling vocals, but they also engulf you with atmosphere and heaviness.
Mourning Beloveth's approach to the A Disease for the Ages is same as their previous albums, with a bit more faster passages along the way. The best way to describe the album is with an analogy: think of a person walking in complete down pour in pitch black with ominous clouds overhead, all alone, and desperately searching for someone. Backing guitars on this album create a feeling of weight on your shoulders, and the lead guitars and harmonies give the album a sad, gloomy touch; however, the growling vocals help the heaviness of the album. Mourning Beloveth uses both clean and growling vocals, but the clean vocals are easily the standout. They use the vocals in interesting ways, and the use of the clean vocals is very reminiscent of epic traditional doom metal. The band constantly throws riffs at you; although the riffs are slow, they do not drag on past their prime.
The album definitely accomplishes everything that is going for, except making the listener want to listen to the album again. The album goes on a bit too long, and the atmosphere is just a bit too much. While some hooks are present it doesnt have a good mixture of atmosphere and hooks; however, a lot of doom/death band have trouble finding a good mixture of the two.
The Official Mourning Beloveth Website
Official Mourning Beloveth Myspace
The Official Prophecy Production website.
Prophecy Production - 13 May 2008
By Brandon Peters

Mourning Beloveth hails from Ireland, and they have put out some exhaustive doom/death. The albums have always been held up as one of the top tier doom/death bands, so this album was greatly anticipated. Mourning Beloveth goes about their doom/death in a standard way with heavy guitars and almost drowning growling vocals, but they also engulf you with atmosphere and heaviness.
Mourning Beloveth's approach to the A Disease for the Ages is same as their previous albums, with a bit more faster passages along the way. The best way to describe the album is with an analogy: think of a person walking in complete down pour in pitch black with ominous clouds overhead, all alone, and desperately searching for someone. Backing guitars on this album create a feeling of weight on your shoulders, and the lead guitars and harmonies give the album a sad, gloomy touch; however, the growling vocals help the heaviness of the album. Mourning Beloveth uses both clean and growling vocals, but the clean vocals are easily the standout. They use the vocals in interesting ways, and the use of the clean vocals is very reminiscent of epic traditional doom metal. The band constantly throws riffs at you; although the riffs are slow, they do not drag on past their prime.
The album definitely accomplishes everything that is going for, except making the listener want to listen to the album again. The album goes on a bit too long, and the atmosphere is just a bit too much. While some hooks are present it doesnt have a good mixture of atmosphere and hooks; however, a lot of doom/death band have trouble finding a good mixture of the two.
The Official Mourning Beloveth Website
Official Mourning Beloveth Myspace
The Official Prophecy Production website.