Movies that make you laugh out loud like this -> Ha ha ha!


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Share some funny movies - we can all do with a laugh from time to time. This could act as a recommendation thread for a rental now and then.

Here are some that have made me wet myself with laughter:

Young Frankenstein
Everytime I watch this, I'm in hysterics. Mel Brooks at his best, and of course perfectly cast with Gene Wilder and Marty Feldman.

Stir Crazy
OK so Gene Wilder is one of my faves, and when he teamed up with Richard Pryor for this prison flick, I was rolling on the floor.

Chris Rock - Bigger, Blacker, Deffer
American Black humo(u)r makes me laugh so hard - Chris Rock, Bernie Mac, Martin Lawrence...all so stoopid and yet...funny, heh.

Rush Hour 2
Chris Tucker stole the show (not that Jackie Chan was much competition) but all those lines he had about the chinese etc were priceless. Infinitely better than part 1.

Blackadder (season 2, 3, & 4)
Rown Atkinson at his best. Probably some of the best British comedy in history.

Anything by Chris Farley (except Black Sheep)
OK, my overall fave though has to be Chris Farley. I even think his shit films like Beverly Hills Ninja are priceless. The 'best of' compilation of his Saturday Night Live material is outstanding.
Naked Gun and Police Squad stuff ...

Chris Rock and Sam Kinison ... Kinison especially, he was dead on for me!
Looking through my dvd collection, my favorite comedies I have are:

Waiting For Guffman
Best In Show
A Mighty Wind
Christopher Guest and his troop of actors make the funniest movies in my book.

Cabin Boy
Half Baked
Wet Hot American Summer

Hmmm... I don't have that many comedies. The horror movies gotta outnumber them 10 to 1 at least... :)
The Big Lebowski
any Mel Brooks
any Kevin Smith
Half Baked
any Monty Python
Evil Dead trilogy

I watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail while stoned once... oh my I nearly died. I have never laughed that hard, and I had to rewind the killer rabbit scene about 50 times before I could move on.
The Producers - This film with its rendition of 'Spring Time for Hitler' is a masterpiece.

Annie Hall - Woody Allen playing the inept character Alvi in this story about doomed love. This film made me laugh my arse off. Woody Allen at his best.

Eddie Izzard (Live) - This man may look like a poof adorned with make up and wearing stilleto heels but he is the most funniest person on the planet.
The Producers stage show is infinitely better than the movie, I'm not sure if it will (or has) moved away from Los Angeles any time soon, but I recommend it to anyone.

I like Sleeper the best out of the Woody Allen films I've seen, but Annie Hall is awesome.
NAD said:
I watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail while stoned once... oh my I nearly died. I have never laughed that hard, and I had to rewind the killer rabbit scene about 50 times before I could move on.
I did that once...except we only watched the bit where John Cleese's character spends about 10 minutes running towards a castle. Nonetheless, I was spun out to the extreme :blush:

Monty Python - Holy Grail + Life of Brian
Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back

:erk: can't remember watching any other funny films recently...
NAD said:
I like Sleeper the best out of the Woody Allen films I've seen, but Annie Hall is awesome.
Manhattan Murder Mystery makes me laugh the most. I agree that Annie Hall and Sleeper are 'classics' but MMM is dumb. Me like dumb humoUr.
Hahahahaha... it was Drowning Pool, or whoever did that horrible Bodies song.

That storming the castle scene almost put me over as well, but that happens even while passed out at 4am on a Friday, I'll wake up for that part just to laugh at it.