MP3 Players... The Poll

Which one of the four describes your use of MP3 Players?

  • I have an MP3 Player... and you can have it over my dead body!

    Votes: 53 67.9%
  • I have an MP3 Player... somewhere.

    Votes: 8 10.3%
  • I don't have an MP3 Player.

    Votes: 16 20.5%
  • What's an MP3 Player? Does it have something to do with the interweb?

    Votes: 1 1.3%

  • Total voters
I have an MP3 player that I use when I workout, work around the house, or travel. I don't use it a whole lot, but I find it very convenient compared to carrying around a CD player.
I don't have one. I also don't have many MP3s. I don't want to pay .99 per song, as I'm an album person anyhow. I could burn my albums into MP3s... but I just listen to them in the car. At work, I tend to listen to Rhapsody music service. $10 a month, unlimited listens, I can't ask for more.
eppst1 said:
I have an MP3 player that I use when I workout, work around the house, or travel. I don't use it a whole lot, but I find it very convenient compared to carrying around a CD player.

ditto...that's me exactly...with my Dell Jukebox...
I've had a player for years. Used pretty much in the car, at the gym, or on planes/trains. Having thousands of songs in constant random rotation makes it like I'm listening to the best radio station ever...

I actually don't own one, but I have a Walkman that plays MP3 CDs. It is "somewhere." Wearing headphones at work isn't convenient for me though. Being an industrial technician requires a good bit of concentration on safety as well as problem solving. I want to keep myself in one piece.

Same here i use my MP3(Dell Jukebox) at work, working out, working in the yard or just sitting by the pool relaxing(as i did last weekend and will do this weekend) it is supposed to be over 100 degrees here Sat. And as i have an Alienware/Dell computer i just load the songs on the hard drive and download them to the MP3 takes less than 5 minutes per cd, and cost nothing.
I have one...and I love it.... I work out with it at the gym, I take it on planes since I travel quite a bit.... Dead body.... :)
Cheiron said:
I don't have one. I also don't have many MP3s. I don't want to pay .99 per song, as I'm an album person anyhow. I could burn my albums into MP3s... but I just listen to them in the car. At work, I tend to listen to Rhapsody music service. $10 a month, unlimited listens, I can't ask for more.

Buy the album and upload them into the MP3 player. It's that simple.
I don't own a "true" mp3 player, but most of my cd players are mp3 compatible. With that said, I'm a little weird when it comes to CDs. I must own the actual CD + artwork of my favorite bands! I can't be happy with just the song files. I believe it's the collector in me though. I view my CD collecting like I view a person that likes to collect baseball cards, etc. For instance, I wouldn't ever part ways with my Badlands' cds! They're all out-of-print and Badlands is one of the best hard rock bands to ever exist IMHO.

Basically, I'm a sucker for the real deal complete with cool looking artwork, photos, etc. It's really cool to me when I have a mint condition, rare, out-of-print release!
AngraRULES said:
I have my iPod, carry it with me as if it were my wallet... and I still buy EVERYTHING.

I understand, but that's where my weirdness comes in! I like to have the actual CD, artwork, jewel case when I go to listen to something. By not doing so, it's like making copies of your favorite books using a Zerox and shelving the book. I have issues....:erk:
I have a cd player that can read MP3's so I make cds with only mp3s in them. Thats technically an MP3 "player"
edgeofthorns said:
I understand, but that's where my weirdness comes in! I like to have the actual CD, artwork, jewel case when I go to listen to something. By not doing so, it's like making copies of your favorite books using a Zerox and shelving the book. I have issues....:erk:

Your way is much less convenient for those of us who go to the gym, or listen to music while travelling.
I've got a Rio Forge, and had a Rio Sport before that. I used to use them daily when I ran. The Sport got soaked when I ran in a thunderstorm, and it never worked afterward. Shortly after I got the Forge, I stopped running and switched to cycling (running is too hard on the knees for somebody my size). Cycling while listening to tunes is dangerouns as hell, so now I pretty much only use it when I shovel snow.

BTW, I've got 33+Gb of mp3s that I ripped from all of the CDs I own. No pirated mp3s. I use CDex to rip them, so it doesn't cost me anything but time. Now that I've got my whole collection on mp3, when I get new CDs, I rip them right away. I'm in the process of updating the ID3 tags (using ID3-Tagit) to add the album covers to the mp3s. That way, when I play them on my PC with Winamp, I get the album covers.

who carries CD players anymore and besides you can store thousands of songs.

eppst1 said:
I have an MP3 player that I use when I workout, work around the house, or travel. I don't use it a whole lot, but I find it very convenient compared to carrying around a CD player.