
Jun 27, 2003
Does anyone know a site where there is a large selection of not so know/rare Death Metal, Black Metal, and Grindcore?

I really want to know. If anybody knows of any site that has a lot of "extreme" Metal MP3's, let me know.

BTW, sorry if you are not allowed to discuss this type on thing on this board.
Kazaa Grokster ect suck ass for Underground Metal and Death Black ect.

Soulseek is pretty good, but for the best I've seen yet, Direct Connect takes it hands down. Assloads of Metal hubs with tons of shit, and lots of underground metal heads.
Yeah, that too. If people could recommend me some good channels for mIRC and some good hubs for DC++, I would be very happy. :D
None_So_Vile said:
i found direct connect fucking hard to use, then again im retarded
I was never able to get Direct Connect to work either. I actually got it to connect to the hub, but for some reason it never displayed any of the users' files when I clicked on a username, so I could never download anything.:(
When using Direct Connect when you click on a user, you then have to click browse (or right click on them and browse).

Then it downloads all their shared info, and you can browse it like you do in your own comp.

Or once you are connected to the hubs you want, just search for something, and a list of files matching the criteria will pop up. Then its just a right-click and download.

Whether or not you can download depends on how many slots (or simultaneous uploads that person has available). It will automatically download once a slot opens up after you have selected to download it.

You may also need to go under "preferences", and click "passive" mode if you have a firewall.

Once you use it a few times, its quite easy. And there is way more metal to be found on DC than anywhere I've seen so far.
*wouldn't connect

Anyway, I have mIRC. I went to mIRC options>Add>IRC Server and then I typed in there and tryed to connect and it wouldn't let me. Is that the right address?

Edit: Is 6667 the right port?