Mr Toast wonders...

Mr Toast

Aug 1, 2002
I was in the middle of cleaning out some webspace and came across this...

Whatever happened to this shirt? I'm just curious as to who has it now...

There's time I begin to wonder what happened to Melzy on this board. :dopey: She's probably just busy.
Thanks Jen! My curiosity is satisfied!

As Linda stated, I had that shirt made (knew a guy in the T-Shirt biz back in Tennessee). It is one of a kind. I really should have made a second one for myself, but at the time I figured I'd make one for me later. I still have the original artwork on file, so if I can find someone here that does laser prints for a reasonable price...

It has all the dates that the Maidens had played to that point, including the gig I presented the shirt at (Kosmos in the Spring of 2002), listed on the back - i.e. tour shirt style. That would be the first time that I met the Maidens in person...

Another @ Mel, I know why you missed PP III, but too bad you weren't there this year too. I went to Moshking to find out more about this new band of yours which sound excellent, but could find no info.
bassbitch said:
hehehhe, i work in an IT department and the department has warehoused 4 IT folks in the same small room with no cubicles or other seperators. So, it's never quiet. Always the sound of geeking....
Is it kind of a language ya all speak when in small groups?

Geek #1; "100110101"
Geek #2; "010010010"
Geek #3; "111111111"

that was a three part joke very popular with tech heads
97reb said:
Another @ Mel, I know why you missed PP III, but too bad you weren't there this year too. I went to Moshking to find out more about this new band of yours which sound excellent, but could find no info.

That's cos I'm still working on the website! badmel. Basically, it started out as a project about three years ago and has recently transitioned from project to band. Crescent Shield is the brainchild of Michael Grant (ex-Onward) and Dan Delucie (ex-Destiny's End), and much of the material was written over the past three years. Craig Anderson (Engine) and I are recent additions. The songs are high-energy, guitar and vocal driven Metal (touches of power metal here and there...). When I get the website online, I'll put up some snippets of the original demos to give folks an idea of what it sounds like. Currently the band is rehearsing, trying to drum up label interest, and getting ready for our live debut.


Hey, speaking of original bands, when's Damnzel playing out? Merry Maids headbangin' out original toonz! *watching*