MSN error....


Jul 21, 2003
Oulu, Finland
Can someone please explain this error and how to fix it.
i dont know jack shit about proxy and stuff.
also. i dont have a firewall.
MSN works great, my pc freezes (soulseek + kazaa + burning a CD), i reboot, and i get this message.


I never got to see the message, but it sounds like my own problem on sunday. Nothing worked because of my "proxy settings" and I might "be behind a firewall not allowing this".
I could use neither explorer nor messenger.

Swear, curse and slam computer for 2 hours.
Turn it off in anger, go to sleep.
Wake up next day, turn it on.
Everything works perfectly....
Well.... i found the answe to my problem...

it is not ME who is at fault, but rather the stupid irish cunts (no offence to the irish tha are here) that work at AOL UK.

AOL users experiencing problems

Wolkje says:
Are you an AOL user? Can't sign in your MSN? Well apparently AOL has some internal problems, so that's why you can't sign in. They said they're working on the problem, and that you should try again later.

Well it seems that all AOL hell broke loose now.. AOL managed to ban (?) proxy ports too! So now AOL users can't connect to proxies anymore.. Basically, every AOL user, now has to wait for AOL to repair the problem, and in the meantime, will not have access to any of the Microsoft services.
Aol's a piece of shit
Msn's a piece of shit
Windows is a piece of shit
capitalism and their fucking megarichandpowerful corporations are a piece of shit

You want a solution to the problem? Organize a legion of followers and start a revolution, I'll help you if you do. We'll overthrow the present establishment. Otherwise, I assure you it will ultimately be the demise of us all.

What! fuck you, I'm not drunk
in fact, icq itself has been turning into more of a bloated pile of crap with every new release ever since aol bought that company... stupid ass strategy to displace the userbase to aol >:-(