MSN virus

well i got a file send over from three peeps from my list. the file was called youandme.? was that it Dunc? It came from Cedarbreed, Mariner and you if i'm not completely wrong. I luckily only accepted one which i immedeatly deleted afterwards cause i wasn't sure what it was. looked strange like a Ms Dos Icon.
Morpheus said:
well i got a file send over from three peeps from my list. the file was called youandme.? was that it Dunc? It came from Cedarbreed, Mariner and you if i'm not completely wrong. I luckily only accepted one which i immedeatly deleted afterwards cause i wasn't sure what it was. looked strange like a Ms Dos Icon.

It's a Trojan, you're infected.
I didn't have MSN viruses,but I've had fucking Worms, win32s,Trojans.Some of them don't anything serious,but Worms can paralise system, and at one happy day you will not have rights for acess in your hdd or paint , etc.The best things in this case are fdisk and reinstallation your sys (for Windows especially).But if it doesn't anything you really can be sure in, it's not a problem.
cedarbreed said:
It's a Trojan, you're infected.

well if so, i haven't really recognized anything. I didn't open the file btw, just accepted the transfer. Anyway, i'm checking me computer at the moment. will see if there is anything.
Well anyone who's been infected or thinks he's been infected can contact me on MSN, I've got this little program made especially to eradicate the viruses spread by this youandme.pif.shit.
It's a bad one, so be real careful if you've been dumb enough like me to click on the link.
well I only clicked it and soon after closed the window that appeared, then i got the shit to detect and delete it, it was there, worms so yes you'll be infected if only clicked
pfft i checked my security today cos i noticed a few viruses were stopped on the ould pc, not only had some MUPPET uninstalled my firewall yesterday, but when i checked my little bros pc he hadnt updated his AV definitions since fucking OCTOBER, I is not a happy camper right now :mad:
hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahah buy a mac ffs! hahahahahahahahaha buy a mac ffs! hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahah buy a mac ffs! hahahahahahahahaha buy a mac ffs!hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahah buy a mac ffs! hahahahahahahahaha buy a mac ffs!hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahah buy a mac ffs! hahahahahahahahaha buy a mac ffs!hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahah buy a mac ffs! hahahahahahahahaha buy a mac ffs!hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahah buy a mac ffs! hahahahahahahahaha buy a mac ffs! :tickled: