
Mung [n, v] - Two people dig up the corpse of the recently
deceased. One undresses the mungee and places his mouth over
the labia. The other backs up and does a running jump onto
the corpse's chest. The second person has to eat everything
that enters his mouth. Insult, seen here in context: "I'm
going to mung your grandmother!"
MUNGING, hopefully made up. Requires two people and an embalmed, female corpse. Apparently a fair amount of embalming fluid settles in the uterus; if you are so inclined, you can put your face in front of the corpse's pussy, have your friend jump on her stomach, and whoooooosh... God, I hope this one is made up.
That's impossible as the embalming fluid only replaces the blood supply.It doesn't enter any other part of the body.Hence male corpses gaining erections as the erectile tissue is engorged with embalming fluid.I have it on good authority this isn't based on personal experience.