Municipal Waste/3 Inches of Blood @ Reggies 6/21/12

Be careful during Minicipal Waste. I believe I told you the other night, their pits can be crazy, though at Reggies it might not be as insane. The time I saw them, they had a massive wall of death. I'd like to see 3IoB as I haven't seen them since that Ozzfest they were on, but I most likely will be skipping out on this one.
Municipal Waste does have insane pits. Saw them in 2010 (i believe it was 2010) and it was at reggie's, I had never seen so much beer thrown before and never been so beer soaked. And i had never been that destroyed and wrecked in a pit before (only Exodus fucked me up but not as bad as MW, Slayer didnt do anything to me). But MW puts on a great show that is really energetic, so if you dont like pits then go upstairs or stand all the way by the merch booths during their set